Today, my mobile phone suffered a "brain freeze" or commonly known as "hang" since morning and apparently, I didn't know about it. I was busy at my work that I had failed to notice this. Though it was extremely quiet since morning, I just thought that maybe for once, just for once, nobody wanted to talk to me. By mid-day, I just pulled out my phone out of curiosity as I was having a hard meeting in Pagoh since morning. To my utter horror, I had missed 34 calls [ comprises of 10 people ] , 17 sms and 5 voice messages! Ah! Life was much easier then without the handphone, right? Well, with modern conveniences, this is what happens! I must say that I didn't get any extra ordinary super duper "canggih" handphone because I don't believe in getting a new unit, actually. I personally think it's a waste of money which could be put in better use. Anyway, for the benefit of those who do not know, the handphone was a gift from SLing, JWee and SYuen. They thought my "old phone" was pathetic and so, they got a new one some few months back! Thank you, dearies! Honestly, I still kinda like my old Nokia 3310! It's hardly, it's reliable and it's tough,man. You see, when on the field , I used to drop my phone a lot and so, most of the time new phones don't last. The Nokia 3310 may drop, disintergrate to a few pieces but when you put it back together, you still get a ring tone loud and clear! Sheez! Don't throw bricks at me - I am moving with time now!
Anyway, it's so weird that the phone is so quiet. Then when I finally got it back to work - I started getting a lot of calls from friends and family. Some of my "goodest" friends thought I had been kidnapped while many contacted my wife and complained that they could not reach me to get on my comments whether am I running for the DPM [ Definitely People's Monkey ] in my office as the present one has been promoted to PM [ You've guessed it ! ] and asked if everything was okay. Yeah!Yeah! Everything is under control! I am NOT on Ah Long list nor am I involved with any China/Mongolian/Uzbeks/Kazaks nationals beauties nor am I a 4D bookie! For crying out loud, it was just for a few hours ~ I confirmed I am NOT dead , very much alive, don't owe any credit cards companies nor lose any money at the casino in Genting! BTW, many many thanks for the care and concern. I really appreciate it! At least, I know I have made a small impact on some lives. That's a real comfort indeed. I may not have saved many lives in the basket but at least, some lives still remembers me. By todays' standard that caring level is quite encouraging. Thanks again for caring! It's been a long and hard day but the peace & quiet has quite worth it, at least for a day! By tomorrow, it's back to the abatoir and the madness continues !~
Bro, I realy understand that situation. Once it happened to me. Thinking everything was quiet on the southern front (JB) when I was on duty 24 hrs.There was no call since I reported from 8 am. At about 1300 I took out the phone from its case, damn, it "offed" by itself from dont know from what time. When I "onned" it again damn 72 missed calls and 27 voice message and 2 vey angry ones from the the State CPO.Never trust these freeky gadgets.Cheers anyway.
Yo,bro. Nice of your to drop by! Hope you are okay at work and at home,bro. My warmest love & regards to the family,man. God bless!
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