Thursday, November 5, 2009


Today I went early to the nearby polyclinic to have the second blood test done. Upon arrival, I noted that the crowd was normal. Phew! No more long waits and real stuffy at times. So , generally, I was quite happy. After registration , I was given a number and I proceeded to the allotted waiting area, patiently waiting for my number to flash on the LED screen. I was minding my own business when three elderly gentlemen spoke in the Hokkien language over the current continuing saga called the MCA donkey show! It was rather interesting hearing them speak of the current, past and future leaders, occasionally punctuated with some "flowery" and "PG18SX" words! Boy, these old folks could talk and talk up a storm they did! Yup, these old chaps doesn't minced their words when they spoke of the present leadership team and the so-called scandal digging scenarios. Well, one even remarked that it is only a woman and life should gone on as usual while he was of the opinion that this is some sinister plot to bring down the leaders. Corruption soon entailed in the conversation while they all remarked that "it's a dog eat dog world " in politics today. The best part was that they remarked together that it is the very reason why they are in the DAP team in the first place! That made me laughed too, actually! Well, I guess, that's politics, right?
Anyway, when my number was flashed up on the board, I was in the medical room in a giff. I greeted the nurses and they were really nice, to be honest. Then, the attending nurse told me that they would have to get a second sample. I was like " What??? One not enough-kah?" Seeing the panic in my expression and my question, the nurse coolly and calmly told me that it was for kidney stress test and what not! I was like, " Yeah I pee real well, poop even better, bowel movements are ok though I don't drink much water but I am ok" kinda look and she explained that I need to drink a cup of sugar water for the test. So, another nurse filled up the glass with sugar and the last time I turned my head, water was filled in the cup! I could vaguely remember the shaking of the plastic bag of sugar and the next minute the sugared water solution was in my hands. When I tasted the drink.......MY GOD! It was like having 5 kilo of sugar in the cup, man! I have abstained the very best I could from sugar for about 3 weeks now. Honestly, I think I don't need any more test after this coz' I'll be confirmed a diabetic if I consume this! Anyway, one of the stern looking nurse told me in no uncertain terms that I have to finish it and come back in 2 hours for another test! So, two hours later, I was back in the hospital for my second blood drawing experience. Don't ask me where I had been for the last two hours!! It was another pinch and slight pain sensation but other than that the drawing of blood went ok. A fix of new appointment to see the doctor was made and I would be back here sooner than I thought I would.
Then I took the opportunity to ask one of the nurses in regards to my BP readings, she spoke nicely to me on the need to get "stress free", exercise and diet. I even told her that I've been eating like a buffalo meaning munching only on vegetables and occasional indulgence of the forbidden food (carbs). For once, she laughed and told me to relax, take it easy and sleep well. When I told her with the stressed filled rat race job I do, she laughed and said that in the government department they have it too! She calls it the corporate crap! We both laughed so much that the waiting patients outside the hall thought they were in the psychiatric ward instead! What a day, indeed!


Unknown said...

I've just managed to read your entire blog, not every entry in detail, but most of it. I must say, it's very honest, funny and encouraging at times. Do keep writing, because i believe it does help in a way, to relieve your stress.

Since the last time we had the chat in your place last july i think about your working situation, i had been praying for you. I can understand, not completely, but substantially, the problem you are facing at work, financially and yet you had to remain calm at home. Of course, you have a very supportive wife and blessed with great kids (Ah Ling has been an inspiration to me, in fact, the whole family has been, and until today, i still proudly tell my friend about my 'extended' family). I guess, i can understand your burden in a way, because growing up, i am also carrying the burden on my shoulder.

But i have faith that the little problems that we are facing now are god's test of our faith in him. I had wanted to tell you, but i dont know how actually, that He has not forsaken you, or your family, that He knows your pain, your predicaments and despite this, you are glorifying him as best as you can. However, do not ever lose faith in Him, for God so love the world that He gave us Jesus, and he will never forsake us. Keep praying and glorifying Him in our daily life, and leave our problems to Him.

Anyway, do keep dishing out good articles and pour your heart out. Send my regards to Jie, JWee SYen


Unknown said...

P/s - pardon the grammatical error etc, it's 1.30 am now :)

A Pinch Of Salt said...

Hey Kenneth,
Thanks a zillion for dropping by! Thanks for the encouragement too! Take care and regards to your mom! You're always a family in our hearts!