At about 6.00pm, I started the fire at the clay stove at the back and it was hardwork I tell you. Gotta get fire going without the fire starter and so, I did the next best available thing - use the candle to start the fire and it worked. Soon, I took out the marinated drumstick and got them ready on the grille.The first readied chicken piece looked charred a bit but still okay for eating,man. The taste......quite nice, actually. JWee and SYuen were my official food tasters and so, I sought their comments. They gave me the thumbs up and that means it is edible food! So, here we go again, another successful modified food recipe for Chicken Tika and a fun time with SLing at the charcoal fire. A day of rest and a fruitful day of food! What a great combo!~
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Chicken Tika.....
At about 6.00pm, I started the fire at the clay stove at the back and it was hardwork I tell you. Gotta get fire going without the fire starter and so, I did the next best available thing - use the candle to start the fire and it worked. Soon, I took out the marinated drumstick and got them ready on the grille.The first readied chicken piece looked charred a bit but still okay for eating,man. The taste......quite nice, actually. JWee and SYuen were my official food tasters and so, I sought their comments. They gave me the thumbs up and that means it is edible food! So, here we go again, another successful modified food recipe for Chicken Tika and a fun time with SLing at the charcoal fire. A day of rest and a fruitful day of food! What a great combo!~
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Family fun.....
We started off by taking all of them to the zoo. I guess, it is a good change of environment for the children as they see animals in real life rather than pictures. I guess, Ryan was the most excited of them all. Walking, prancing around and with his facial expressions, you can have a real laughter at his antics. I guess , he was very excited and he walked most of the way in the zoo. As for Ashley, she was smiling all the way in the zoo while SLing, grandma and maid, Dik-Dik, were busy chasing the mosquitoes away from her. It was a funny sight but that's grandma!
We had superb pizzas at Papa John outlet before spending time around the shopping co
Happy Merdeka, Malaysia!

Friday, August 27, 2010
Make a change....

Friday, August 20, 2010
Stop Racism!

Anyway, talking about heads in schools, why did we need to see so far? If you, the Education Ministry is REALLY interested in what is going on, take a team and go quietly and see what the heads are doing in country, district, state and schools. You will be shocked to find some of these heads are at the golf courses or even places of entertainment entertaining some State/District big shot and it is perfectly okay because they are talking serious issues, right? Wake up! Cover up is the name, actually,ok?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Blunder, blunders, blunderer...

Yunno, by all means, do your job but do your homework first. Get your science right and get your expert views right. If you are going to bludgeon/hack/slice up the theory, you better have facts at hands to argue your case in the courtroom. Afterall, you are at the spotlight and this is a high profile case. I am no doctor nor a forensic expert but science doesn't lie either. I find it rather amusing on the self -strangulation thing. My God, what will they think of next? Rip the pants back pocket and say it is self inflicted act? I couldn't bring myself to imagine such a thing happening in my lifetime and here we have one so-call educated/learned man [ obviously, not-so-learned now! ] doing the stuff! Aiyooo....... major desperation! Then, you try to discredit the integrity of a witness by questioning the university she went to do her studies which is top 5 in the world? Bet, you didn't do your homework and research, right? BTW , if you want to jump off building, you better get bungee cords or you'll land splat/swat on the ground and it wil be ugly. That I can promise you because I've seen one near my office! I agree with you, lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar. Yup , " With question like these, we would all want to jump off a building" - just to quote what had been said!
Sunday, August 15, 2010

We, the good spiritual people are just so gullible when the word of revival is being preached on the pulpit. Again, I am not discrediting anyone or man of God preaching about this matter. In fact, I have utmost respect for truthful and honest man of God who will share this Word when he receives revelation from the One Above. What I am asking today is do we need revival or resurrection in our churches today? Ah! You see, there is such a big difference! A good friend of mine, Vive told me that there is indeed a very big difference and from his inspiration, viola! the birth of this article.
Personally if you asked me today, I will say that we need resurrection rather than revival today. You see, for revival to come by and spread like wild fire in our nation today as I have heard many preachers talk about this, resurrection and big radical changes have to come first. Are we ready for revival? How can we ever claimed to be victorious and ready for revival when the house we built for the inhabitation of God still lumbers in tatters of complacency, cliques, one man showmanship, spiritual blindness, uncaring , corruption, scandals and utter disregard for life itself. “Whoa! This man has gone bonkers with such things he is saying “- you may say. Like I said, you can be a blind allegiance to one's authority without you even knowing it!
If you care enough to look into the revivals and dig deep into your reading materials as in the revivals in Brownsville a.k.a Pensacola, Azusa Street,, Shantung, Congo, Toronto and the rest of the revival history until today, you would learn distinctively that there were indeed radical changes and cleaning up before God’s mighty movement comes. I have studied it and note that prayer is not the only tool that is going to bring revival! It is the total transformed heart and mind of the people that is going to bring revival in this land today.
My question to you today is simple : Have we fulfilled God’s promise of looking after the fatherless, the widows, feeding/attending to the poor, manning His Sheeps with Godly love, care for our neighbour – whatever colour or creed, attend to our sickly, care for our old, repent from our ways of life – sinful lust , debauchery, jealousy, envy and the wickedness of the heart or are we still camouflaging under the pretense that “everything is under control” or even hide behind the cloak of Scriptures to defend our stand that we are “ a healthy church thing”? I asked these questions because we are far from ever tasting revival no matter what the man at the pulpit says if we do not change our mindset and our hearts. It is so easy to say revival is coming because people will be pumped up for it but the ground work has to been done first. I say this with no malice intended for any preachers or man of God who may be preaching this at this time of our lives and let God deal with me ever so severely if I have erred against His people. Like I said, I am just a mere human being but I know that revival comes when there is true repentance in the hearts and minds of the people. Revival comes when humbled knees are bent towards the ground from the top of the food chain in our church right to the very sweeper of the hall and pavements we walk on today. Revival comes when hearts are rendered unto Him and repentance overflows that even the ants will weep when we confess our repentance to Him. Revivals comes when we start to physically and truthfully care, feed, empathized and helped and not doing it with our lip service of “ I will pray for you” thing and then we walk away doing nothing. We are confirmed experts in this field and this is an on-going process that had been a plaque in our churches all these years. Money, bigger building, family promotions, No.1 book selling promotions, performance CD selling, power struggles, arrogance, promotion of personal ministry, weak governance, weak leadership plus a string of other ills had dominated our House of God today. This is a fact and there are plenty of examples around today. Harsh words from a harsh man, you may say but this is the truth. Swallow the truth , break down the arrogance & prideful ways and learn humbleness. Searched your hearts and tell me this is not true. Do not be clouded that everything is rosy and nice today when it is not. I am not afraid to offend anybody because I have only one life to spare and if I ever screw it up just to satisfy some pompous individuals at the top, then, I am heading right to where most people would go through - the Wide Gate!
In a world of wickedness we live in, we have to start to care for others and not just flow with the flow of the world by turning away from doing what is just and the right thing. We have become so paranoid as believers that we should only take care of our own and let others take care of the others. This is the very mentality that revival will definitely NOT COME or worst still, we will miss the revival boat entirely.
We need to resurrect from our spiritual death today. We need to be resurrected in our prayer life, our hearts and the way we look at others today. We need to be resurrected from our slumber of inconsistency , complacency and imbalance in treating others. We need to be resurrected in dealing and feel compassion for the needy, the poor, the widows and the fatherless. We need to be resurrected to feel for others in compassion and do something about it. We need to be resurrected from the ill desires of the world that is governing our lives today. One thing I must say is that we need not have a bigger church just because a revival is going to happen or coming. If and when revival does hit our church today, even the walkways and pews on the sidewalks will be filled with people who will want God and not some building or preacher. It is God that they want NOT individuals! I believe anyone who believe and have the passion of God in him/her will be able to lead someone to Christ on that day. I am drawn to the fact that our Lord preached at the mountain tops and there weren’t any pews or stands for the people to sit. They sat their butt on the ground and listened to Him. Skeptics will argue that we now live in different times and we need to have seats, bigger building and so on but my answer is simple. It is not where they sit that matters - It is their hunger for God that matters and they would not even be bothered where they sit if they want the Lord! Correct me if I am wrong on this matter! Answer me this :- Why would people camp at sidewalks for days just to buy a concert ticket of a music performer? Do these people care if they eat, sleep and get dirty there? They just want to get the ticket and get in, right? Rightly so, that is what is going to happen when the people want the Lord. They don’t want buildings, plush seats or bothered about carpet flooring. They just want the Lord, isn’t it? It is not about us anymore – It is about the Lord!
So, if you want revival to hit our church today, we have to change our mindset. We have to wake up from our slumber like an awakened sleeping giant. We have to pray like never before and allow God to burn through the impurities in our lives and our church today. Pains and changes would have to come before revival comes. Afterall, one day, all of us will have to give an account to our Lord. It will either be “Well done, good and faithful servant” or “ I know you not ; Depart from me, you evildoer!” The choice is entirely yours.~
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Modified Crepe Cake....
So, off we went to the supermarket to get the stuff for a crepe cake recipe. Well, a promise is a promise as far as I am concerned. You see, I did promise her that I would make a crepe cake for her. This time, I have the time and why not. So, we got all the things together and soon, we were kicking up a storm in the kitchen area. SLing wasn't as enthusiastic as we [ father-daughter team ] were and so, she went to have her much need afternoon nap. BTW, she had worked hard at washing clothes and cooking for us ; rightly she should have her rest too. So, SYuen and I did all the measuring, mixing and pouring ingredients here and there.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Heart warmers
Snagged lines!
That morning finally came and it it came with a slight drizzle. JWee and I met up with Jameson at Pulau Melaka bridge. From here, it was a good drive inside the Pulau Melaka project and almost to the end of the project site.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Creed..

To be an honest, generous foe;
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares,
Its faults and blunders, Its aches and pains.
Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday.
We cannot undo a single act we performed.
We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.
The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow.
With its possible adversities, Its burdens,
Its large promise and poor performance.
Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.
Tomorrow's Sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds,
but it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.
This just leaves only one day . . . Today.
Any person can fight the battles of just one day.
It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity's -
yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.
It is not the experience of today that drives people mad.
It is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday
and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
Let us therefore live but one day at a time.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Precious and profound 25 minutes....

I immediately pulled up a chair and seated myself next to our BM pastor, Pst. Alfred. There were about 25 of us in the room listening the message. How I wish this hall would be packed with people who are hungry for the Word from this man of God! As I listened to the sermon, I was really blessed. The salient points of the message and the emphasis of the word of God on forgiveness, true repentence, dealing with anger, the road to heaven and hell were raised and precise answers according to the Word of the Lord were eloquently given. Yes, I understood what was said perfectly though it was in the BM language. I wasn't wowed by the personality that presented the Word of God. It was the conviction and the way the message was presented that wowed me, actually. I have heard of this man of God whose testimony on the goodness of God on his life had saved many people for the Kingdom of God. I came in not to see this man of God or be awe by his fame but I came in to hear the Good News he brings! It was indeed a privilege to be able to hear this man of God speak. What a privilege ! As I sat there listening right to the end of the sermon, I was encouraged and I was blessed by the message. I didn't take the time to stop by to shake his hand as my children was waiting for me after a long day at church. I really wish I could shake his hand and tell him how wonderful the last 25 minutes had been for me. Well, I pray that I would have the opportunity again to meet him and to speak to him again, probably in the field one day!
Andrea & Bernice....
Anyway, for many years now, Alvin & Sherry Lung had been very supportive of the Royal Rangers Ministry since the very existence of this ministry. I could still remember Luke & Claire being in the ministry and now, how they have grown up and went on to be a blessing in the other ministries in our church. For me, Alvin & Sherry had always been there for this ministry and I could never thank them enough for what they have done for this ministry. Their words of encouragement, the support, the advices and the help extended by them had been priceless. They may not be rich financially and materially but in my eyes, they are already rich with the blessings of God and for their big wondrous heart. Thank you, Alvin & Sherry !
So, when Sherry told me a few days ago that they wanted