It was a good surprise and timely too, to have Wei, Jade, mom-in-law plus the two beautiful heart-warmers, Ryan & Ashley to drop in yesterday. Yunno, when you get the chance to spend quality time with family members, it usually comes up very nicely and memorable. This one is no different. I guess, I have been inviting Wei & Jade to come over for a trip for such a long time and when they arrived, SLing and I plus our children, JWee & SYuen were really happy to see them. What was truly awesome was having Ryan , the bumble bee and Ashley, the cutie pie with us that day. Yeah, kinda miss those tiny tots for some time now and somehow the joy of seeing them is really indescribable. Ryan's vocabulary had increased,

speech is clearer but still the 'manja' baby and Ashley, well, she is smiling so nicely and started some gibberish words nowadays!
We started off by taking all of them to the zoo. I guess, it is a good change of environment for the children as they see animals in real life rather than pictures. I guess, Ryan was the most excited of them all. Walking, prancing around and with his facial expressions, you can have a real laughter at his antics. I guess , he was very excited and he walked most of the way in the zoo. As for Ashley, she was smiling all the way in the zoo while SLing, grandma and maid, Dik-Dik, were busy chasing the mosquitoes away from her. It was a funny sight but that's grandma!

As for Wei & Jade, seeing them having some time away from work and home, spending good time together like this is indeed a good change. I must say that I am very happy for them. Oh!Yes! We shared some time of laughter as we passed through the mousedeer, deers and ostrich enclosures as recipes such as black pepper recipes permeates through our lips! It was really a fun day indeed. To me, I am really happy to be in my element - nature. Seeing the animals as they are in their "made up" habitat is truly amazing. I have been to the zoo for countless number of times together with the children and the Royal Rangers children but the zoo has never failed to amaze me each time I visit it. Absolutely amazing and breathtaking indeed. One incident I would not forget is

hearing the tiger's roar. I was at Nicky, the rescued tiger enclosure when I heard the tiger roared. Wow! Truly loud and truly amazing! Even the young couple who was with me at that time were shocked by the roar. As I stood there, I saw Nicky, the tiger came menacingly, flexed its teeth and roared! I was thrilled to bits but it was loud! Fantastico! Now, I truly understand why the tiger is such a majestic animal. We then headed out towards the gallery and it was another experience for the children and the family especially when they see the taxidermied animals. From here , we headed out towards Jusco Melaka in Bachang.
We had superb pizzas at Papa John outlet before spending time around the shopping co

mplex. I guess, the most important part was having some cool relief after spending some time in the humid zoo earlier. As we wolfed down the pizzas, it was a great time of talking and enjoying the good food. The pizza wasn't oily while the crust was nice and sumptuous. After we had spent some cool breezing time, we headed home for some rest before going for dinner. As SLing and I had no idea what was the preference of food for dinner on this occasion, we came up with a few suggestions and finally settled on Bonani, Punjabi cuisine. Initially I wanted to take them to Machap for some Chinese food fare but I guess, I'll save that when they come over the next time. So, off we went to Bonani and it was still early. Luckily, we managed to get seated as I know by experience that the crowd will come in later. So, I ordered the usual suspects of cheesy spinach, the onion rings, the

seafood & prawn rings, tandoori chicken, fish curry , dhall ( my favourite - taste so good! ) , plain naan and some rice. I kept my fingers crossed that they would like the meal. SLing and I explained to Wei & Jade that this is a different kind of Indian cuisine and we hoped they like it and they did! Yeah, SLing and I wanted them to have a good time and share the food that we find interesting. We were very happy seeing Wei, Jade, mom-in-law and the children enjoying the meal. As they left for home that night, we kinda wish they had stayed over for the night but it's okay, there'll be other times, right? Really look forward to having them over again because they are a real joy to SLing and me.
As for the two cuties [ Ryan & Ashley ], well, what can I say except that I really had a great time with the both of them. Awwwwwww....SLing and I are already missing them!
Thank you so much for everything from you and SLing. Thank you JW and SY for helping me to take care of that 2 monsters... :) Besides, thanks for both meals... i really like the pizzas and also the Punjabi cuisine. I LOVE IT! :)
Hi Jade,
You are most welcome. It is our joy to be able to be with you, Wei, M-i-l and the children!It was really good!
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