So, off we went to the supermarket to get the stuff for a crepe cake recipe. Well, a promise is a promise as far as I am concerned. You see, I did promise her that I would make a crepe cake for her. This time, I have the time and why not. So, we got all the things together and soon, we were kicking up a storm in the kitchen area. SLing wasn't as enthusiastic as we [ father-daughter team ] were and so, she went to have her much need afternoon nap. BTW, she had worked hard at washing clothes and cooking for us ; rightly she should have her rest too. So, SYuen and I did all the measuring, mixing and pouring ingredients here and there.
After a little rest, we started the "construction" of our crepe cake. As I cooked up the batter piece by piece, SYuen layered it with the vanilla filling and blackberry jam. It was supposed to be a 20 layer crepe cake but we lost count! Who is counting anyway? We continued until we finished the batter and the vanilla filling. I taught SYuen how to move the plate so that she can spread the filling more evenly and it was fun seeing her do that.
Soon, the crepe cake was ready and we admired it for a while. YES! We did it. OK, so it wasn't what we expected but we did it our way! Wooohoooo!
After letting the crepe cake to cool down for a while, we wrapped it with clear film sheet and whisked it into the fridge. Then, we waited in anticipation. After about 2 hours later, we took out the crepe cake, it smell nice and we readily laid it on a glass top. I then sliced the cake and the layers were there to be seen and it was a great feeling of achievement. SYuen and I squeaked in delight because it was our first attempt; it turned out alright. Now comes the taste. After a good dollop of ice-cream and a splash with Hershey chocolate syrup, it was ready to go. SYuen had the first bite and she said it was nice.
Then our family food critic, SLing came down and had a slice of the crepe cake and said the batter was too thick and on and on.... but SYuen and I just smiled and told her to keep quiet and enjoy our "creation"! We all had a good laugh and later, JWee came back after football game to sample the cake. He liked it too. So there you have it, folks. Quality time spent with family with minimum cost and whole loadful of fun! BTW, this is not a cooking show programme. It is just how spending time with family can help to foster better relationship when we get everyone involved in this small cooking project. Well, like they say, the way to the family is through food still holds validity. Recipe? What recipe? It's all in the heart!~
oh man...that looks good. Good food doesnt look good anyway. The messier the better!
It was honoured to have a taste of your great cooking creations :) We look forward to more fabulous food!
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