Anyway, talking about heads in schools, why did we need to see so far? If you, the Education Ministry is REALLY interested in what is going on, take a team and go quietly and see what the heads are doing in country, district, state and schools. You will be shocked to find some of these heads are at the golf courses or even places of entertainment entertaining some State/District big shot and it is perfectly okay because they are talking serious issues, right? Wake up! Cover up is the name, actually,ok?
The other problem is that the Education officers are so pompous in their ways that their arrivals needed to be accompanied by bunga manggar and kompang beatings or worst still, information are being "leaked" that so and so is coming to your school this week. Why don't you just do a real surprise check and see if the heads are behaving? I tell you one thing, you officers [ I am short of calling you names, actually!), go and see the problems the real teachers face because of these tyrannic and virtually powerful warlords call the headmaster or whatever names you may want to call them. Instead, you jump on the teachers, pass comments here and there , degrade the teachers but do nothing to touch the heads! You too are guilty of breeding racism in schools today, ok? If you protect the teachers adequately, I tell you this, they have a lot to tell you.
The problem is simply you don't protect the teachers and that's why they turned "timid" [ for fear of repercussions and transfers out of schools! ] because heads are more powerful today by who they know! By the way, they grade their teachers but who grades them or is it " I scratched your back and you scratched my back " kinda thing? I have known schools who had the worst disciplinary record in term of gangsterism, absenteeism and what not but it is all swept under the carpet. Again, cover up is the stench I smell! Worst still, " Never mind, we drag the case longer and later after a few months, everybody will forget and it is back to normal. Biasa-lar! " How many times we have seen this happening? Look at the appraisal for the teachers! What incentive are you talking about when the worst of the lot gets promotion and triple remuneration just because they have reached their time to receive their honors and you call this fairness? It is no wonder, teachers aged faster than any body else!

Yunno, I have also known/heard heads who are so biased and racist get promoted because of who they know. BTW, racist breeds racist! It is really a failure of our education system to see such heads making way in the hierarchy climb and we asks ourselves how our children are getting racist day by day! The spread of this is simple - when you promote a racist to a higher position, he/she spreads its ugly thought of racism like a barrel of poison darts hitting out at the targets! They squirt their ink of racism in the department they work and then it spreads like a wild fire in a forest of unfortunate people and community. In the end, you just need to fan the small fire and then it explodes because of pure egoism, pageantry of prideful nature and a shroud of pure show of abusive powers of dominance.
Rectification -my answer is simple :- Nip the bloody bud at the top first! Reprimand and take disciplinary action. I also would like to highlight that there are plenty of good and hardworking heads and teachers around in this nation of ours lest I experienced their fury of them being put together with a few bad apples in the basket. I applauded the genuine, sincere, silent suffering and oppressed heads and teachers. Their genuine ways have not gone unseen, unheard and unappreciated because I believe God is watching and God knows.
I simply must quote a quote that I am constantly being reminded of that is " Evil prospers when good people do absolutely nothing!" You digest, digress and do the maths!~
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