Last Saturday, I took some time off from my work
and attended my alma mater 100th year Anniversary Celebrations at the school grounds. Initially, I wasn't really into the re-union thing but knowing that it is an oppportunity of a lifetime to be part of the celebrations, I made time for it. My alma mater - Sek.Men.Methodist or better known as Anglo-Chinese Secondary School looked exactly the same except for some renovation and sprucing up in new coat of paint. Yup, I had plenty fo memories here in this school. I attended Sek.Ren.Methodist or ACS Primary School, Melaka and soon, graduated into the secondary school. It was what some would say a deep love for my alma mater. Like I said so many times, I ain't one of the bright sparks of the school but I think, I did alright.
That evening, when I arrived at the main gate of the school,
I was greeted with a sea of bodies comprising of former students from every layer of the years. There were just hundreds of people attending the function that night. I immediately went to the registration counter to register myself and then starting looking out for my classmates and friends. Sure enough, there were about 3 tables of us from the 1982 group! What great fun it was to be able to speak to one another and meet up after all these years. There was Michael Chiam, Lee Deck Sern, Koh Kheng Chong, Peter Too, Edmund Teng, Chan Chee Keong, Pei Chi, Khew ,Robertson Ong, Nicky Tan, Chin, Peter Yeo, Teck Chai and the list just goes on. I then met up with my teachers, Mr Seow Mun Ling ( the one who tried to stop me and buddy, Philip from taking the Add Maths paper as we failed Add Maths all the time! ) and Mr. Puh Ah Kwee
( another teacher who gave me a lot of good encouragement during my schooling days ). We also had Mr.Jee Kim Joon our former Industrial Arts teacher and volleyball coach at our table together with another IA teacher, Mr. Lee Ah Kau. We had a great mingling around session and catching up with our friends from all years of education in this school. I also met up with my seniors and it was nice meeting up with them and catching up with what's been happening.
That evening, when I arrived at the main gate of the school,
It was really "semangat" when we all sang our school song during one of the program for the night. Yup, Macsians for life,man! Wow! What a truly inspirational song. BTW, the school song was composed by our former primary school headmaster, the late Mr. Chua Cheng Chye,
the bachelor fun-filled headmaster who makes the best apple pie you can ever taste! God bless his soul! There was just so much passion for old boys like me when we arrived at our alma mater. What can I say except that it was very nostalgic. The science lab whereby we almost blew it up with our own chemical concoction was still there. The hall where chapel and our Scouts Investitute Ceremony were held was still there. The classrooms where lots of mischief and learning took place was still intact while the prefect room which was a hideout was still there. It was nice to be at the school. It definitely unwind some pleasant and not so pleasant memories of the school. All in all, it was a great time of catching up with old friends and having a fun-filled time together. I left early that day but felt good nevertheless. It was really a great night and one that I will cherish and savour for a long time. As I walked towards my car, I clutched my 100 Years Anniversary t-shirts in my hands, held my head high and grinned from side to side that I am a MASCIAN! Always will be one!~
did u see my dad there? :)
Liz, no table was near the end of the road. I slipped away after the 4th meal as I was tired after working that day. Wow! dad also MACSIAN!~ Yippeeeeee!
Hi there, this is Tedin of '71. We will like to use your article for the MACS Centenary Coffee Table Book. Hope to get in touch with you on this.
Hi Tedin,
No problem. Go ahead. You have my blessings.
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