As I sit back and took a breather after some rough days earlier, I see the unveiling of the truest human character in each person during the time of test and duress. It is interesting to note how much one could learn from seeing such unveiling of lives during these times. From the dramas to the "showmanship" to the real people, you see a vast difference in the human approach. I am thankful that God had humbled me in so many ways and yet in all my faults, tempers and uneasiness, He had given me great friends which I will treasure a lot. Friends like that are hard to find these days. But most important of all, He has shown me that all worthy praises and compliments belonged to Him and Him alone. I am thankful that God has shown me time and time again what it meant to be patient and to be a friend to others. Yes, I may not like what I see in some dramas & charades ( I blasted it as it is! ) but I remained steadfastly patient ( rare occurrence, actually!) and I show my displeasure in a different manner. One thing I have learnt is never to be rude to others while being in a rat race is not my cup of tea. They say, " If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" but I say to you, " If you can't stand the heat, find a cloth , wet it and sooth it over your face, fight the fire and start again! " I guess, in many ways, this experience had taught me that in our daily rat race in life, it is important not to have this stupid idea that we need to " kill/remove others and our competitors" so that others won't stake a claim on our throne thingy! This happens a lot on our corporate ( religious establishments are not far behind too!) world today and so, as young or old working people, we need to remember that though we may look like a fool to others, it is better that way than striking the blow to one that is already on the ground or worst still, be the one that remove the others! I find it really sad when I see how a once "mighty,untouchable, apple of the eye" fell from his throne during one of the days. He was just being overlooked, overshadowed and even displaced during conversations between piers when once upon a time, he commanded the centre stage of limelight. I guess, needless to say how many people had suffered in his hands over the years while another more ruthless, cunning and polisher takes the mantel of authority and wields his influence as the untouchable slipped up one day. I guess, the saying " every dog has his day" rings very true today. Afterall, you cannot have two top dog in the kennel, right? Like I said, there will forever be another greater schemer and more cunning person at work each day. It is a matter of time before the deck of cards folds! Folks, that's what we have in our true world today. Until and unless , we change this mindset of ours to not conform to it, we will be forever be chained up in our burning ambition of self preservation and self-raising self. Me? I am out of this rat race long time ago and it is just only a job I do to feed the family. They say I have no ambition but I say they are wrong. My ambition in life is a simple one : Just to be happy!
Yup, it seemed simple enough but even the simplest form of being happy do gets complicated at times what more if I asked to be a millionaire so that I could give some for missions, right? Bah, even the rich and the richer are asking for more! So, now, I know why God is having such a hard time up there when He peers down and have a good look at His people! I say to you again, my lifelong ambition is just to be happy and by the way, I don't need a whole load of money or status or what ever praises to be happy. Happiness to me if when my heart is at rest and at peace with what I do with my life. Being happy is what I seek each day and that's my ambition! It's a darn good one, don't you think so?
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