As we go through the day of our lives facing routine challenges, highs and lows plus daily routine, Japan was hit with a massive earthquake (magnitude 8.9 - that's the equivalent of 336 megatons of TNT), which has in turn triggered 30 -35ft high tsunami in the Pacific Ocean that virtually flattened everything in its sights near Sendai, Japan. Gosh! The scenes of tragedy are truly heart-breaking and it was made worst with spontaneous fires that ravaged properties that were watered down by the ferocious tsunami.
I really thought that it was bad enough experience seeing towns such Segamat, Kota Tinggi or Muar overwhelmed by flood waters but seeing a tsunami of such magnitude causing such "killer" role was really devastating and depressing indeed.

SLing showed me clips on how fast the tsunami waters break down and snapped house easily and mercilessly like snapping twigs. I was really taken aback by how fast the tsunami moved to really clear everything on its path and hitting highways like switching on a powerful tap water head. Lives will be altered and scarred for life for sure while lives will never be the same again for those who lost their loved ones. At this hour, I could only pray and stand in the gap for those who had lost their loved ones. I continue to pray that God, in all His Mercy and Grace would comfort those who had lost precious lives out there. I also pray that God would have mercy on this land, Japan. It is really a saddening tragedy and one that we should reflect on. We should learn that Mother Nature can be our saver but it could also unleashed its fury when it is corrupted, depleted and altered by greedy hands tat governs it. I pray and asked that you would spend some time to pray for these grieving people. We may not be doing a whole lot or even we may not be able to go to Japan personally but the least we could do is stand in the gap, pray and ask our Creator, God to comfort their hearts and appeal for His protection against more calamities like this. God , have mercy on our land! Have mercy,Lord! Thank you for praying friends!~
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