Someone asked me the other day, " I am just curious, isn't it a good thing that the Bibles had been released?" I nodded my head and I answered, " It is good and gracious act but the motives & the conditions imposed are not! " My friend was puzzled and I took the trouble to explain to him on the matter. Is it right to have serial numbers on your scared religious book and defaced it with the words " For Christians Only" or even "For Non-Muslims" only? To me, it only shows fear and retardation of mentality of the highest level from the people who sits of the chair of so-call authority. I have explained this quite clearly in my last article and I find it rather distasteful to come up with such notion of serialising and stamping such words on my Bible. I am equally perplexed that our society can stomach such an act of trespassing into someone's faith and freedom of practising religion which had been safeguarded by the Constitution of this very country of ours. This is your country too, yunno. If we ever have any doubt of this, then we failed as citizens of this country who had been upholding the very tenets of our Rukunegara. Afterall, the very 1st verse itself is so relevant but blatantly blinded by pure racist and the real enemy of our country who sits behind a table and dictate what can be done and what cannot be done to suit one's inner pride and unjust biasness. Let us be reminded that " Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan" is the very fist verse of the Rukunegara which I hold very dearly to my heart. I would also like to ask these learned scholars, professors and experts of religious matter this question: So, if the name of God is such a controversy to all you, highly learned people, we might as well stop singing the "Negaraku" or even the Selangor state song for that matter or any other state song that has God's name on it as we are not allowed to use God's name in BM. So, tell me how do we sing patriotically [ as we are always being deemed as unpatrotic ! ] when it comes to State Assembly openings or even during school assemblies or even during so-called our Sukan Malaysia? Please, don't tell me you have different sets of ruling and laws for spoken and written languages? Sheezh! That would be the an eye opener and jackass story of the year!
Would you be elated or jumping with joy if your holy books or the book of your religious foundation are serialised with numbers and stamped with the words " For Muslim Only", " For Christians Only " For Buddhist Only", " For Sikhs Only" or " For Hindus Only"? Please, answer truthfully from your heart and don't follow the herd mentality that we have in our country! We always tell ourselves - what can one person do to stand up in truth, right? Well, in the first place, you have to stand up first to be accounted before you can be counted. I am not afraid to offend or to make a nuisance because we have been living very fearfully without a valid reason at all. We allowed ourselves to be constantly blinded by such blatant disregard for respect of other people's religious rights. It is so saddening that I can have tea and makan with people of all walks of life and of various religious faith at one table but it is not the same with my Government. Why are policies made to make and bring so much hardship to the people who just wants to have some peace and quiet in worshipping God? Of course, you have to be on alert for deviant teachings but think again, deviant teaching comes not from the Word of God but from the very flesh or carnal ways of these so-called religious teachers. My Bible says that by the fruits they bear , you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. I am sure, you can differentiate between the truth and the lie,right? If you can't , then you are as blind as a bat in religious matters and time to dust off the dust of your religious book and start some serious connection with God!
I am also very upset/pissed with the people who sits in our religious councils and assemblies who are so "mouse"-like when it comes to this. By all means, PRAY but it must also comes with action. ( No, not taking up arms and start a revolution-lar! No bloodshed is needed! ) Using a catchy phrase from one of my colleagues, please-lar.......please-lar...... please-lar........ Protect the rights of religious freedom in this country of ours. Our children and our children's children need this assurance of freedom from religious harassment and restriction in the subtle way. We cannot expect other people to stand up for our faith. Instead, we have to stand up for our own faith, say and do what is right in His eyes. Like I said so many times, I am not super -religious or even trying to show off my religious stand or whatsoever. I am just like another man on the street but the difference is that I believe very much in the God I serve who had been merciful and showered grace in my life daily. Not dictated by pen-pushing idiots sitting behind a desk call authority and dictating to some herd mentality and practising "fear tactics" among our citizens.
Please, support religious freedom in your faith and have respect in the religious faith of others too. This land of ours is built by sacrifices made by our fore fathers of every race, creed and color. We have existed in harmony, love and togetherness all these years. Why should we get religious fanatics, religious freaks /teachers and unsound religious scholars to derail this harmony that we have toiled over the years? I say it again and I will say it again, to create turmoil and despair , these people are tops/champions in their own devious plans and when chaos comes, they would be the very first in line for a flight out of this nation - just like our politicians too. Leaving us, the poor citizens fending for ourselves and picking up the pieces of this nation. Think about it. We have many examples in our neighbouring countries regime whose leaders shout slogans of fighting for this & that ; only to find them on the next flight to Hawaii or some South American country to so-called "re-group" with loadful of looting they have done from the National Treasury! I believe in God - always have and definitely not humans! God bless each and everyone of you!~
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