I've said it many times and I will say it again - religion is not the matter. It is the people who interprets it and those who had driven themselves to the road fanaticism that is causing so much havoc, distrust and even willingness to take up arms, to brutalise, bring harm and even kill another life. My question is simply this : What glory is there if the religion we embrace and we shout so much about is brought to the brink of immorality, senseless thoughts, inconsiderate ways or even brutal killing? How is our "religion" made attractive to others by that way? How is God glorified by such actions? This is the question that our so-call authorities and even our so-called religious scholars, teachers, pastors or even gurus should digress before opening their mouths for their sermon of the day.
I am particularly irked because I have seen "learned" teachers of the religious words professing condemnation after condemnation with such ease without measuring the weight of what they say. Are they convicted enough by the Spirit ( which one is another question ! ) or working under the pretense of the Spirit working by their flesh only? I want to say ,we, the public are equally responsible and gullible for this type of "scare tactics" mentality. We, weakly and selfishly, give in week after week of such sermons and get ourselves squeezed, weakened and scared of this religion and that religion when in actual fact, there is absolutely nothing to fear if we know where we stand with GOD and how we had lived our lives! Afterall, we all have to be accountable to our lives one day when He meets up with us , right?
Look, the Al-Kitab or the Bible holds no power as a book if you do not know the Word in the Bible or even practise/lived by what is being written/said in the Bible. I would be very afraid and even shivers with fear if I am living contrary to what is said in the Word of the Bible. That is the real power of the Bible! That is why the Bible had been said to be sacred and a powerful book not because it is just a Christian sacred book but simply because the nuggets of God 's wisdom and wise/correct daily living are inscribed in His Word through the Bible or the Al-Kitab as it is known in BM for a true Christian. Do not at all think that the Bible can change anyone literary. ( Please, spare me the blades and the knives! ) The book itself doesn't change you. If you are a Christian and if you read the Bible like it is just another religious book, then, the Bible will not change you one bit at all. In fact, you are just like another dead Christian for all I care! It is the Word inside that will stir and change you if you are connected to God in spirit and in truth. Just like any other religious book, an evil person or an opportunist or a con artist or even a religious faker can always pick verses from the religious books for their own selfish end and make it look as though it is the Word itself. That is the dangers that lurks the minds of the evil ones.
I speak from my heart because I own an Al-Kitab and I own 3 other Bibles which I had acquired over the years and when I was a young Christian. I can safely say that I am still learning to be a good Christian, though I falter at times. I am thankful that I am able to speak to my fellow Christians in Sabah and Sarawak with the help of the Al-Kitab. What is so wrong with that? So, once again, is there a need to fear other religion if we are rooted in our own religion? My answer is simple : NO FEAR~! For my skeptics, I have this to tell you, my uncle is a Muslim convert. My close friends and work colleagues are Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and Christians. I also have Sikh friends. My family members are Buddhist. My former students in Sabah are Muslims and Christians. So, am I swayed by any of them? I don't even have to answer that~
Bottomline : Give the Bibles back to the rightful owners!~ Make this world a better place to live than turning it into a battlefield of bodies and flowing streams of blood from innocent lives. That's my message today!
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