Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Poster...
Monday, April 27, 2009
59 Candles....
Well, as usual, I get to meet up with my favourite nephew, Ryan and he’s bubbling as usual. His gibberish vocabulary as flourished diligently and now, it’s a real challenge to understand him. Oh!Yes! His favourite word now is JUSCO! What a real joy to see him talking gibberishly and sounded good,man. The family had great fun talking to him. Yeah! He makes us all laughed and it’s really fun to be able to be with him. BTW, he has really turned cuter each passing day. It was simply a joy to be able to play with him and getting him to do the things we want him to do especially imitating JWee’s jumping actions and playing hide-and-seek with SYuen.
As usual, Wei & Jade are such good hosts to us and I really appreciate their hospitality and love towards us. I can never thanked them enough because they are really nice people and as a family, we really appreciate it a lot. After a sumptuous meal of dinner comprising the heavenly burnt crabs, radish & carrots pork cuts, vegetables, black pepper ostrich meat and tofu with tasty dried shrimp & meat concoction, we proceeded home for some further celebrations.
German Blackforest cake [I bought it from St.Merry Cake House and insisted on a freshly baked one! Hey! My mom-in-law have got to have the best, ok? ] was our next fare. Again, got everyone around to sing the birthday song for SLing’s mother and we then feasted on the cake. I don’t particularly like cakes but I guess, this one tasted alright. I guess, seeing the joy etched on SLing mom’s face says it all. I know it meant a lot for SLing, Wei, Jade, JWee and SYuen plus cute Ryan to be able to celebrate my mom-in-law’s birthday. I guess, it is not easy when you are the eldest in the family and I know, SLing adores & respects her mom a lot. I used to tease SLing that I likened her to be the Army General [ Cheong kuan ] for her mother. But then again, who wouldn’t, right? BTW, I always get painful smacks & whacks from SLing whenever I speak of her mom indifferently. [ Sigh! I have gotta sign up for Spouse Brutality Protection Plan soon! - it's something like the Police Witness Protection Plan! Ha..............ha..........ha............... ]
Yunno, I could always see the joy and the great respect SLing has for her mom whenever she speaks to me about her. I guess, there is no greater love than a daughter’s love for her mother. I respect that a lot and I know her heart well. I am also thankful that Wei & Jade treats my mom-in-law well too. I know that it hasn’t been easy for the both of them because my mom-in-law can be such a pain at times but I admire & thankful to both Wei & Jade for putting up. That’s very very noble and respectful. Thanks, Wei & Jade!
I guess when I looked back at that day, I really want to able to spend that type of quality time with the family when I grow old. Like I said earlier, let’s not kid ourselves that age is just a number because physical changes don’t lie as forehead and face line goes deeper each passing year. Sure, we may be getting older each year but let’s not be a donkey in our later years. Let’s continue to celebrate each day of our lives as though they are the last days of our lives! Live and continue to enjoy each day with love, care, concern and goodness towards our family members and our loved ones! Afterall, it’s so blessed to be alive each day! God bless you all!~
Friday, April 24, 2009
Relationship Secrets ~

Always celebrate! Whether it's the 1st or the 50th, each year together is a triumph.
Let each other know how much you appreciate each other. You may already know but hearing it from each other is always better.
Be best friends preferably before being boyfriend-girlfriend. Take time to know each other so the relationship will be a deep one. Tell each other about your crushes, dreams and problems. Make sure he/she is your best friend before getting engaged. The strong bond of friendship will help you both survive tough times.
Make it a point to spend time together often but leave room for each other. Also spend time alone w/ each other, so that at the end of the day you could both share your experiences. This way, you stay interesting with your partner.
Always compliment each other. This will prevent feelings of resentment & thinking that one is being taken for granted.
Keep doings things that you both enjoy, do them together. Make time & continue to date to keep the romance - look good, smell good to maintain physical attraction
Celebrate differences. Never force your ideologies down each other's throat. Give up trying to turn your partner into you. Accept differences, appreciate them.
Fight with the aim to resolve the issue. Don't outdo each other. The longer you extend the fight.The more chances that you'll say something hurtful that you don't really mean. As mad as you were with your partner, he/she is still the person who laughs at your jokes & thinks you're hot. Hear each other out, don't dig up old issues. Choose your battles. Make sure the fight will be worth it & that something will change in the relationship as a result of the fight.
Know that the perfect person does not exist. Know that just as there are things that you love about him/her, there will be things that will make you go crazy. We are only human with our own flaws.
Have fun together! This means keeping the fun & spontaneity that was there in the early days. Allow yourselves to get silly. Being able to make each other laugh & see the lighter, crazier, absurd side is the best way to get through all the differences in personalities, adjustments in lifestyle & opposing viewpoints.
Make sure you have similar goals. It would be difficult to keep your bond intact if your views are complete opposite.
Quit tabulating grudges. Let it off. Discuss it, then trash it, don't recycle it.
Let each other know how much you appreciate each other. You may already know but hearing it from each other is always better.
Be best friends preferably before being boyfriend-girlfriend. Take time to know each other so the relationship will be a deep one. Tell each other about your crushes, dreams and problems. Make sure he/she is your best friend before getting engaged. The strong bond of friendship will help you both survive tough times.
Make it a point to spend time together often but leave room for each other. Also spend time alone w/ each other, so that at the end of the day you could both share your experiences. This way, you stay interesting with your partner.
Always compliment each other. This will prevent feelings of resentment & thinking that one is being taken for granted.
Keep doings things that you both enjoy, do them together. Make time & continue to date to keep the romance - look good, smell good to maintain physical attraction
Celebrate differences. Never force your ideologies down each other's throat. Give up trying to turn your partner into you. Accept differences, appreciate them.
Fight with the aim to resolve the issue. Don't outdo each other. The longer you extend the fight.The more chances that you'll say something hurtful that you don't really mean. As mad as you were with your partner, he/she is still the person who laughs at your jokes & thinks you're hot. Hear each other out, don't dig up old issues. Choose your battles. Make sure the fight will be worth it & that something will change in the relationship as a result of the fight.
Know that the perfect person does not exist. Know that just as there are things that you love about him/her, there will be things that will make you go crazy. We are only human with our own flaws.
Have fun together! This means keeping the fun & spontaneity that was there in the early days. Allow yourselves to get silly. Being able to make each other laugh & see the lighter, crazier, absurd side is the best way to get through all the differences in personalities, adjustments in lifestyle & opposing viewpoints.
Make sure you have similar goals. It would be difficult to keep your bond intact if your views are complete opposite.
Quit tabulating grudges. Let it off. Discuss it, then trash it, don't recycle it.
Keep it hot by traveling to different places together. A new setting will do wonders. Always have skin contact - be it holding hands, a massage or just plain leg rubbing. It’s just not sex!
Don't lie or hide things. The problem will only get bigger. Just be honest.
Learn each other's interest. It really keeps the conversation flowing!
A hug can be far better more intimate than a kiss.
Keep it hot by traveling to different places together. A new setting will do wonders. Always have skin contact - be it holding hands, a massage or just plain leg rubbing. It’s just not sex!
Don't lie or hide things. The problem will only get bigger. Just be honest.
Learn each other's interest. It really keeps the conversation flowing!
A hug can be far better more intimate than a kiss.
Don't lose your personality - that's why he/she fell in love with you. Have separate interest & activities to keep your individuality & to be able to contribute more to the relationship.
Having your own income means you're the boss in your life.
Don't lose your personality - that's why he/she fell in love with you. Have separate interest & activities to keep your individuality & to be able to contribute more to the relationship.
Having your own income means you're the boss in your life.
Make rooms for the in-laws. However, stand firm in your beliefs.
Wish each other well. Don't wish each other worst.
Speak up about the awkward stuff now, like money & sex. The earlier, the better.
Listen, listen, listen. Hear each other out especially during arguments.
Mind your appearance! Stay fit & healthy for each other. Do not overate beauty. It is what is inside that matters !
It all boils down to your love, chemistry & respect for each other.
Remind each other of the old days. Do something that you used to do for each other before. It may even be corny but it made you two together. Experience new things together - from dining into a new restaurant to experiencing street food together to exploring to new places. It's the little surprises that make great memories.
No matter how long you've been together, do not think that you can read each other's mind.
Be good to yourself, then be good to your partner. That's what love is all about. Think about your partner. Will it make him/her happy? Will she/he enjoy it? Consider each other's feelings. Be very attentive & sensitive to each other's needs, physically & emotionally, that way your partner learns to do the same for you. Never take your partner for granted.
If one says it's important, then it is! Prioritize each other among other things!
Give each other space. Have your boy's night out. If you can't trust each other with this, then don't get married.
Say sorry when you're wrong. It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong. Saying sorry is the first step towards healing. [ VERY-VERY-VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER ! ]
No matter how long you've known each other, be open to surprises, both good or bad.
Think for two & always work as a team. Consult each other before making a decision because everything will always affect both of you. Strengthen couple power. In many ways, we have to decide based on what is best for the relationship in favor of our individual selves.
Support each other's dream. Be willing to follow your passions, support your partner in his/her decisions & create new ones together. Two heads are better than one.
Tell each other's stories. Life goes by so fast & its easy to see how easily couple can grow apart. Whenever something funny, scary, exciting or juicy happened to you or to someone you know, tell each other about it & have your partner do the same. Keep each other in the loop of life.
Make rooms for the in-laws. However, stand firm in your beliefs.
Wish each other well. Don't wish each other worst.
Speak up about the awkward stuff now, like money & sex. The earlier, the better.
Listen, listen, listen. Hear each other out especially during arguments.
Mind your appearance! Stay fit & healthy for each other. Do not overate beauty. It is what is inside that matters !
It all boils down to your love, chemistry & respect for each other.
Remind each other of the old days. Do something that you used to do for each other before. It may even be corny but it made you two together. Experience new things together - from dining into a new restaurant to experiencing street food together to exploring to new places. It's the little surprises that make great memories.
No matter how long you've been together, do not think that you can read each other's mind.
Be good to yourself, then be good to your partner. That's what love is all about. Think about your partner. Will it make him/her happy? Will she/he enjoy it? Consider each other's feelings. Be very attentive & sensitive to each other's needs, physically & emotionally, that way your partner learns to do the same for you. Never take your partner for granted.
If one says it's important, then it is! Prioritize each other among other things!
Give each other space. Have your boy's night out. If you can't trust each other with this, then don't get married.
Say sorry when you're wrong. It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong. Saying sorry is the first step towards healing. [ VERY-VERY-VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER ! ]
No matter how long you've known each other, be open to surprises, both good or bad.
Think for two & always work as a team. Consult each other before making a decision because everything will always affect both of you. Strengthen couple power. In many ways, we have to decide based on what is best for the relationship in favor of our individual selves.
Support each other's dream. Be willing to follow your passions, support your partner in his/her decisions & create new ones together. Two heads are better than one.
Tell each other's stories. Life goes by so fast & its easy to see how easily couple can grow apart. Whenever something funny, scary, exciting or juicy happened to you or to someone you know, tell each other about it & have your partner do the same. Keep each other in the loop of life.
A good friend sent this to me earlier and after much digressing and digesting it, I ought to share this with you , great couples - married or dating couples.It's a good guideline for us. BTW, I just wanna say thanks to friends [ you know who you are ] who had spoken to me relentlessly and helped me through in recent days. Thank you for sharing your concern and prayers. I have been blessed and I am blessed by your lives !~
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Two Days Labour....
Like I said in so many instances, I've got nothing to hide, nothing to lose and nothing to gain either. So, here are my "masterpieces"!
I kinda like this one as it goes together with what I would like to do during my free time. Oh! How I miss a good time at sea fishing.........
Two days of "hardwork" and plenty of patience, man! It's definitely worth it!~
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Colors, colors....

Yesterday night, I started coloring the second piece of poster at about 10.00pm. As usual, it is usually difficult to get started after some rest but again, I was determined to finish the work. The sketch was okay but the real test is to color it. I started out with a prayer and the work begin. I started out by coloring the required lines and I couldn't actually see the whole picture yet. " Slowly, Ivan. Slowly. It will come out fine.", that was what that went through my head and heart. Boy! That's how I consoled myself ! Meticulously slow and steady, the poster started to drew out some fun. Mixed and matched the colors the very best I could and eventually, I wasted none of the colors. When I finally got it finished at about 1.45am this morning, I was again exhausted but happy. Yunno, I learnt that we can give our very best to the Lord is whatever capacity we are in or whatever works that had been entrusted to us. I guess, the important part is to trust in Him and do things not for the glory of men but for the glory of God. Many a times, we do things to appease the outward appearance when what is needed is really the soothing hands of God working in our interiors. I've learnt too that a great deal of patience and focus are required when you put the finishing touches onto your works. Patience and focus can only come when you have deep passion in what you are doing. The best part about this experience was that I did the coloring while I was leaning against the wall! So, relaxing and enjoying the finer points in life are of great value too!
I am glad that I've finished the "masterpieces"! Though they are obviously not Picasso nor Michelangelo pieces but they'll do for the time being. Inspire, Inspire, my friend not perspire!~
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wet market experience...

Starting up my rustic car, I trudged along and finally had a great parking spot near the market. From here, I immediately went to the sea food area to get some stuff. One step into the section. you are greeted with the most "delightful" and intoxicating smell of rancid water and fishy smell. It was like a huge wake-up all for me. Anyway, one look at the seafood section made me realised that fish was scarce while it made me believe that some sort of epidemic had hit the fishes this time. They had red eyes and by experience, I know that they are really from the freezers,man! Prices? They were like crazy prices! Anyway, I saw some humongously big squids while I was actually interested in the scallops, if there were any around. I scoured the entire fish section and couldn't find the scallops. So, I settled for "lala" and bought 1kg of it. It cost me RM5.00 but I was happy. Then I scouted for some prawns and after rounding the area for about 4 times, I decided to buy 1 kilo of prawns which looked pretty good to me. One place in which I was stuck for some good minutes were at the catfish section. I saw these three young men slaughtering tons of catfish and boy! they are really quick. Chop, chop, gut, clean and the catfishes are in the bag,man! I stood for a while at the sides while I watched these guys. Mind you, these are young guys and they really worked hard. I guess, they were selling freshwater fish and I must say I didn't like their tilapia fish stock which looked horrendously wrong and pale. But the catfish was different ~ they were alive and swimming in the deep tub. What a sight! From experience, I knew these are cultured catfish and that makes up the numbers. Then I saw some guy selling "balitong" shell fish or "chut-chut" as they are fondly known. I really wanted to buy some for our meal [ sambal balitong is the best-lar...... saliva drooling! ] but one look at the mud drum where the balitong were made me lose my appetite, man. Maybe , next time-lar! Walking further down, I saw an old lady haggling the price with an old man near a drum filled with haruan fish or snakehead fish as they are known. Huge species while some looked monstrous , man! Anyway, I saw the old man struggling a bit as he brought out about 1 1/2 feet long haruan fish. In almost an instaneous reaction, he brought out a plastic head hammer and clubbed at the head! Two to three whacks and the fish went limp! Vaya con dious, fish ~ see you in the cooking pot!

Then, it's off to the poultry section and after walking around it for about three to four times, I finally picked up a chicken bird. Well, that's me. I am not impulsive especially in my spending. I guess, my family would have been tired if they were to go to the market with me. Then it's off to the beef and mutton section. I really gazed lovingly at the lamb shanks and beef steaks hanging by the hooks but I kept telling and reminding myself that I don't want to have to jumpstart my heart at the later part of my life. So, sadly, I just admired the beautifully cut pieces of mutton and beef steak and slided real slow to the vegetables section. Again, I was looking for some Brussels sprouts but I couldn't find nice ones. There were plenty of cabbages, leeks, carrots, potatoes, chai seam, bak choy, kai lan and others. I guess, I was in a spin over the assorted of colour of the vegetables! Then I looked at a pack of some green nuts and I soon realised that these are peeled "petai". Hmmmmnnnnn..... then I thought to myself , " Why stink the bathrooms, right?" So, I left the petai pack at where it was! Eventually, after spending about 45minutes at the market, I got myself some young ginger for the "lala"! That's it, then. Oh! BTW, there is a disabled singing duo who would be serenading you as you shop around in the wet market. So, spare a thought for them and drop some precious Malaysian ringgit of yours for a good cause, ok? Have a heart. They need it too!
I really had a good time at the market. The sights, sounds and smells were terrific. Nothing beats the market,man! Yeah! I was just kidding ,though! The truth is that it's quite dirty and really smelly at times but that's wet market! Afterall, you've gotta get your fresh stuff, right? Well, it beats going to the modern supermarket because it is really different when you are at the wet market. Somehow, I like the wet market better that the convenient supermarket! It's more.........authentic and sure, you can really bargain for a good price!
Yes! The "lala" tasted really good!~
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sg.Petani Adventure...
From Melaka , we headed out at about 9.30am and we were on our way to Sri Damansara to pick up Bee Ling’s mom who wanted to travel along. I am really blessed to get to know Bee Ling’s mom and I blessed to see her bubbly and ever smiling as ever. That’s the beauty of a lady who had put her entire trust in the Lord. How blessed and humbled I am to have share this journey with her. So, upon arrival and picking up Bee Ling’s mom, we started out our great journey. I was in Joshua’s car while the rest were in On Tin’s car. [ BTW, my family was not able to travel with me this time. Kinda miss their company, actually.]
Our first stop was Bidor town for some yam with char siew dumplings and wan tan mee at Pun Chun Restaurant. After tucking in a hearty meal, we were on our way to Sg.Petani. I had a good chat and sharing of good ol’ college times with Joshua. Surprisingly, he too shared a lot of good stuff especially science matters with me while some are personal. We shall keep it at that, shall we? Yunno, Joshua may look quiet and aloof but he’s really a good kid inside. He may not have the gift of gab but he’s quite witty and fun at times.We were laughing and goofing around throughout our journey and that made it really fun. I guess, this was the only time I really got to know who Joshua is really about. He has a very wide knowledge of things but what he lacks is actual fellowship and talking. Other than that, he’s a great young man – respectful to his parents and appreciates his parents a lot. That’s a good trait in a young man. So, girls! Here a young and available young man!
OK, after traveling for some long hours, we made a detour to see AIMST University first before heading back to Sg.Petani town to look for Bee Ling’s mom second brother. Wow! AIMST University is situated near Semeling town and about 8 km from Bedong town and it’s huge. The building looked new and very well maintained. We toured the place and took note of the hostel accommodations. The scenery was nice and serene. How I wish I was a student again…haiyah! But then, I am over the age limit already, so, no chance –lar! Anyway, we all had a good look of the facilities and the surrounding area of the campus.
Then it’s off on a rabbit trail to locate Bee Ling’s mom second brother’s house. Finally , we made it to the house and the reunion of brother-sister was truly an awesome sight. Bee Ling’s mom had always voiced her desire to see her second brother and this was really a reunion of a lifetime. What struck me most was their hospitality, their kindness and also, the closeness they shared. Bee Ling’s mom looked very happy and the close bond they shared was truly emotional. We stayed in uncle’s son’s house and we had a good rest there before heading towards the university again the next morning.
Registration day at AIMST University the following morning was orderly but a little bit long of a process. We arrived there at about 9.45am and by the time Joshua got his keys to the hostel, it was little over 1.00pm. Everyone helped him to unpack and get all the stuff ready before heading back to Melaka. By this time it was already about 3.30pm and by 4.00pm, we hit the road back to Melaka with a stop in Bagan Ajam in Butterworth to pick up some stuff and meet up with Bee Ling’s cousin. It was really fun traveling and on the road again. Sure, it was tiring but it really is a fun trip. Yunno, On Tin & Bee Ling, Bee Ling’s mom together with Joshua,and Xin Yi are always very close to my heart and my family because they are really very very nice people. In our life, we will always come across good & nice people and this is one family that I will always treasure in my heart. It was really fun traveling with them and being able to help out in whatever way I can. I have been blessed throughout the journey and it’s really wonderful being able to do just that ~ driving, fellowshipping and having a good time!~
Monday, April 13, 2009
Deepest Condolence...

I am deeply saddened to note that Bro Timothy's father had gone to be with the Lord at about 7.00pm on 13th April, 2009. May God bless his soul.
May the Lord's peace and love comforts Bro.Timothy and his family at this hour of grief and loss.
God bless you, Bro.Timothy and family.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Meaningful time....
Recently, Errol's family, On Tin's family, Steven , Wan Sin and my family held a triple birthday celebrations for SYuen, Bee Ling and Jessica. We really had great fun together but most important of all, we are like one big happy family. Sure, we are made up of diverse personalities , characthers , likes and dislikes plus diverse individuals but it all doesn't matter when you are in the company of friends such as this. We laughed, get serious and even constantly trying out our skills at the interactive games that brought a lot of cheers to the children.
Yunno, I am thankful that I have friends like these people. I am thankful that I am not alone in thinking this way. Call me a sentimental fool or a downright hardcore, friends like these people are hard to find these days. I also have another group of really blessed friends all the way from Penang and Cameron Highlands. I am humbled indeed. [ Cheers to you :- Vive, Sathy, BA, Jessy, Alyna & family, Esther, Timothy and Evelyn ! ]
Most of the time, in your walk in life, you'll probably meet with hard-headed, overly-ambitious, prideful, sly, cunning, arrogant , puffed up ego personalities and even boastful people from all walks fo life. So, to meet true and good friends are really a big bonus in your lives. It's like finding a needle in a haystack but once you found them, you'll treasure them a lot.
Friendship is about caring for one another and really taking the trouble to really lend a helping -in good and troubled times. Friendship is also about affirming relationships, pointing out the rights from the wrongs and for speaking out in truth to one another. A good friendship will withstand the test of time either by the difficulties in life that may come along the way or even celebrating the simplest joys in life. Friendship doesn't mean that you will pull away the punches when it is required. Afterall, the truth hurts but some people just won't want to hear the truth , right? By and large, people wants to consume sweeteners [ btw, it surely will lead to moral decay and moral diabetics & gangrene !] that will make it easier for them to digest the trouble when what is required is actually the bitter pill of truth , wake up call and vomitting of the truth.
This is the special relationship we shared as friends. I am very much humbled and grateful that these friends had helped me go through a great transformation in my life. Of course, I am grateful to God first for everything that had happened in my life while good friends just made it a real bonus. Remember, get the right friends and have a blast. Remember to build relationship, work diligently with lots of patience, love and care while dose it with a lots of heart plus not forgetting, get a lot of food-lar!~ Be blessed!
Friday, April 10, 2009
My Cute Nephew
I guess, one of the reasons why Ryan is my favourite nephew is because he is really cute, fun to be with, firm in his ways and really really adorable. The other day, I had the chance to drop by at my mother-in-law's place and I took an opportunity to check on him. He was happy all the way as he saw me at the door. That brought a lot of good cheer in my heart. Then, he led me into his favourite room and we watched "'Ratatouille" [ His all time favourite movie, from the time the sun rises till the sun goes down! ]. As usual, he would laughed whenever Remy appears and laughed even louder when Emile appears. Really quirky kiddo [ good in a way ] but yunno, he's just a kid and I really love this nephew of mine. He is so ......lovable, actually.
At one instance, as I was lying on the bed which was on the floor, he came over and lay his head on my shoulder/chest and watched the movie with me. Wow! That was really sweet indeed. It really brought a lot of cheer in my heart to see him do that. Like I said, he can only do that if he had learnt well or being cared for very well by his parents, Wei & Jade. I am really very proud of Ryan and his parents, Wei & Jade. I will forever cherish this little incident in my heart because it is so special to me.
I still remember that when I left for home that day, he cried his lungs out! Well, children will be children, right? Yunno, we will always cherish and remember many things in our life - good or bad but this one is different and it will always be special.~ Always!~
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Something must be done...

What is wrong with this picture? I have tried my level best to visit other missionary schools and I find the same is happening to the other missionary schools in Melaka. I tell you this, you can actually count how many missionary schools are there in our country and my state, Melaka but the physical building is so old and antique that I shudder at the thought of it collapsing one day. Then I came to know of the ugly truth that these schools are partialy funded. Mind you, partially- funded means they have to raise the other half themselves to take care of the school. I beg you to stop and think : missionary schools - partially funded??!!! We talk of progress, we talk of coming of age, we talk of technological progress, we boast of sekolah cemerlang sukan, sekolah cemerlang akademik but partially funded?!
Hey, there is something very wrong with this picture, right? You mean, the authorities/department/Government won't give full money to missionary school who produced scores of thousands of students each year from the past, present and the future from all walks of life, creed and color just because they are missionary schools? That's downright sad , isn't it? We often hear of great politicians, ministers and even successful businessman and businesswoman having the early, middle and high school education in MISSION SCHOOLS! So, why the lack of support for mission schools? Are they not in the defination of SCHOOL or SEKOLAH as we call it? I am deeply saddened when my daughter informed me that in her missionary school, their writing tables and chairs are considered antique and repaired sets while in my son's missionary school, parents contribute to buy chairs for the present students so that this will be left for the future student usages. I tell you, though I am not rich, I am not afraid to part my money for such worthy cause. In fact, I am appalled that missionary schools doesn't get the full funding which is the very basic of educating children, OUR CHILDREN, irrespective of race, color, creed or status! Come on ! School buildings has to be safe and I could still remember the tragedy of the collapsed computer lab in some school! Basic amenities would have to be in good working condition. I still remembered the toilets I used during my school days. It was really in shambles state and most of the time not working. It is either the flushing system is not working or the piping is so old that there is no water going through the pipes. This is the sorry state of some of our missionary schools. Please, don't punish the schools or make more "kertas kerja" or "kajian" on this matter. The message is loud and clear - HELP THEM. Helping these missionary schools doesn't mean you are helping any particular group of people. Like I said, children of all race, color or creed will pass through the walkways of these schools. You and I , irrespective whether we are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian, Punjabis, Iban, Dusun or whatever race you may be , have walked through that very hall ways or walkways that had made an impact in our lives. Help save the studying institute , environment and a place we can call special in our hearts. I am saddened that after so many years of independence , we are still buoyed by such discrimination even in our schools today.
The other thing in which I would like to lash out is to the so-called religious establishment in our country. The very moral instituition that we stand for in our religious obligation. Why shout so much about this and that when you don't even raise a finger to lighten the burdens of these schools financially to repair their schools and so on? Allow me to remind you that we collect thousands upon thousands of ringgit through missions giving, pledges and offerings but how many actually helped out these schools? This is the question I would like to ask each and every leader in our religious establishment today! It doesn't take a genius to understand that the only support these schools are getting is only the usage of the name. Wake up, people! We have to help out if these schools are to have any chance of survival. Be it a Methodist, a La Sallean, a Catholic, a Paulian, a Franciscan, Xavierian, Convent, Stella Maris, Victorian, KGV, Marist or whatever names you may want to call it, we need to stand and support them.
I am proud to say that I was educated in Anglo Chinese School (ACS ) which is a mission school. This is also where my classmates, Rusli , Aminur, Zainuddin, Ghanapathy, Devanathan, Edmund, Ong S.H., Philip Thomas and a host of others were educated. We didn't do too badly in our lives. We didn't turn out to be deviationis/thieves/Ah Longs/gangsters/serial killers or whatsoever, yunno. I am never ashamed of this fact because this is my alma mater. This is where I receive my education and my early training of harmony between the students. I know many of my friends today who had studied with me have been successful people in their lives. We really had a good time together and what was more important was that we touched each others lives. Uptill today, a group of my classmates are busy locating our classmates and keeping in touch with one another - all from ACS. That is what mission school does to us - the closeness and the friendship. I could never contact my Form 6 classmates because I went to a school that doesn't emphasize the need for interaction but merely & purely academics, rules & regulations!
Would you stand and declare the same with me? Would you spare your fistful of ringgit for rebuilding the missionary schools? If you do have the same passion with me , organise help at your end for these schools. They need your help - This is my appeal to each and everyone of you. This is no more about a missionary school - it is about the place where peoples' lives get touched with good education and good values of life !~ Are you with me?~
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Locked Out.....
When I got back in the evening at about 6.30pm after a long day, I still didn’t get it. It was only when I got down from my car that I realized that the keys were with JWee. Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am locked out! Looking foolish and sheepish, I called up SLing and nicely related to her what had happened. BTW, I was told to wait for her heavenly return! Ha…..ha…..ha……
At that time, I begun to lean myself at the body of my ol’faithful car and listened to the beautiful chirping of birds. It was really beautiful. Not to be outdone, there was a cool and gentle breeze blowing at that time against the backdrop of a setting sun.
Sure it looked awkward for someone like me, dressed in my working clothes, slumped against the side of my extremely fragile car [ Can’t wash off the dirt of the car because some parts of the car may only be holding on to the car due to the dirt! ] and passer-by continually gave me some funny look. Honestly, I don’t look like Ah Long, bill collector or some gangster from the downtown street. So, it was quite amusing for me to get stares and some funny look from these people! Heck! These are people from my taman,man! Don’t they know me? A string of flowery language escaped between the teeth, though, I really thought of standing up and say that “ Yeah! This is MY house. I am just locked out. My wife didn’t throw me out, yunno!”. Anyway, in the midst of all these madness, I really enjoyed the breeze, the birds and even the antics around me with my neighbours and all that.
It just says one thing : Don’t miss out on life ! ~
Monday, April 6, 2009
New friends...

Seriously, I don't know how I met Johnson and his family. All I knew was that they really made their presence felt by being who they are - bubbly, fun and always smiling family. I guess, we hit it off and I found Johnson and Linda to be an easy-going people and someone you could talk and relate to as a friend. All this while, I remembered seeing this bubbly person with an equally cheerful wife and two great children. It was after their children joined in the RR ministry that we came to know each other better. The fact that we were both serving in a far away land earlier in our lives made our conversation much easier and I guess, that's how it started.
I must say that last night's fellowship certainly lightened up my life a lot. I could see and sensed the real passion and the enthusiasm of this couple when it comes to God's work. I thank God that He allowed me to see through this couple's heart and I was not disappointed by their sharing from the heart. I guess, I've learnt a lot that night especially what friendship meant to them. There wasn't any heavy topic conversation but light topics which everyone could relate to. There was so much laughter and fun with an abundance & array of cakes and kuih-muih. It was really heart-warming and a great time of fellowship. A short quip here, a view being tossed here and there, some lessons of life and some serious thinking were the order of the night. I could see the passion of the Lord in this couple's lives. I thank God that somehow in a small way, I hope my life had been a blessing to them as much as they have been a real blessing in my life. That's what fellowship is all about!~
Scumbag Day....
Come 7th April, 2009, my good friends and I will be celebrating “Scumbag Day” in remembrance of our dearly departed friend, Comdr. Amos Pee. I’ve lost count of the number of years he had departed from us but his memories still lingers on like freshly brewed cup of tea and the aroma is always fantastic. Good friends are like that, actually. Though they have departed [ God bless their souls!] , the impact they brought to friends can be pretty impressive. This one is no exception!
I , for one , will always miss this big guy named Amos Pee. Big, strong, loud and sometimes, downright abusive & straight-talking, this guy has the biggest spiritual heart I’ve ever seen. Though my commanders and I had had quite a short time to get to know this person, it was indeed joyful and fun being with this big man. I will always miss his straight-talking and his advices to me. Yunno, in a funny way, this is the man who gave so much of his life in whatever capacity he can. Though looked upon as a very difficult individual to be a friend with, Amos had always been kind to me and lots of encouraging words to me. In times when I am down, he was there to give a pointer or two and even took the trouble to lead me back to my original path. So likewise, when he was down, my friends and I were always there to give him some encouragement or even lend a supporting ear to him. For the years I've known him, he really blessed my life. Of course, there are times, he chided me or even rebuke me but never in any harsh manner or tone. The bottomline is he cares for his friends and he really does care. That's the difference between a regular guy/leader and an exceptional person/leader.
The very first time I met Amos was during koinonia service after church service. Back then, the crowd was smaller but food served by him was in abundance. He had taken the opportunity to serve the people with some simple food after service while my family and I were very appreciative of that. He was definitely loud but I saw a great sense of good in him. When I was given the opportunity to serve in the Royal Rangers Ministry, I quickly reached out to him to serve in this ministry. I remembered that he told me very politely that he wasn’t interested but all this while, he was keeping a close eye on us whether we are consistent in our lifestyle with God. This he confided in me in the later years when he had served in the ministry. This was one of the many I've asked him during the time spent in the ministry. Yunno, I really pestered him into serving in this ministry because I saw his beautiful heart that goes with a very good person. It took me a few years before he actually agreed to get on the bandwagon and served out in the ministry. We attended RR courses together and when he graduated as a full pledged commander, my friends and I were the first few to congratulate him. Uptill today, my friends and I couldn't put away the beautiful memories of sharing some really good times in Taman Negara, Cameron Highlands and even Sibu Island trip with the late Amos, Phebe and his son, David. The times we shared together as close friends and commanders were fabulous. So, you can imagine my immense sadness when he passed away. All of us were there with him right to the end of his walk.
Yunno, on his funeral day when several commanders including leaders from RR Malaysia together with us, his fellow commanders, carried out his hearse in full fledged RR uniforms and regalia, it was befitting of sending off one of the finest commanders in our ministry and our nation. He had no fancy badges nor accolades nor medals pinned to his chest pocket. He only had a great servant heart. YES! I must say, I will always miss this great friend of mine. On his calling us "scumbags" well, the explanation is simple. We are all scumbags in one way or another in our lives. We are scumbags because we will continue to carry our load of life with us and only when we let go of our life load that we would be free. So very true in our modern living today. It was Amos who taught me that our righteousness are like filthy rags in the Lord which is consistent with the Word of the Lord that say exactly that! Well, it's better to be called a scumbag because you will recover from your fraility and learn to be a better person. Amos was a strong advocator of that - never to judge others but always to give yourself an opportunity to redeem yourself & be a better person in life - be it when you are wrong or when you are wronged by someone.
I , for one , will always miss this big guy named Amos Pee. Big, strong, loud and sometimes, downright abusive & straight-talking, this guy has the biggest spiritual heart I’ve ever seen. Though my commanders and I had had quite a short time to get to know this person, it was indeed joyful and fun being with this big man. I will always miss his straight-talking and his advices to me. Yunno, in a funny way, this is the man who gave so much of his life in whatever capacity he can. Though looked upon as a very difficult individual to be a friend with, Amos had always been kind to me and lots of encouraging words to me. In times when I am down, he was there to give a pointer or two and even took the trouble to lead me back to my original path. So likewise, when he was down, my friends and I were always there to give him some encouragement or even lend a supporting ear to him. For the years I've known him, he really blessed my life. Of course, there are times, he chided me or even rebuke me but never in any harsh manner or tone. The bottomline is he cares for his friends and he really does care. That's the difference between a regular guy/leader and an exceptional person/leader.
The very first time I met Amos was during koinonia service after church service. Back then, the crowd was smaller but food served by him was in abundance. He had taken the opportunity to serve the people with some simple food after service while my family and I were very appreciative of that. He was definitely loud but I saw a great sense of good in him. When I was given the opportunity to serve in the Royal Rangers Ministry, I quickly reached out to him to serve in this ministry. I remembered that he told me very politely that he wasn’t interested but all this while, he was keeping a close eye on us whether we are consistent in our lifestyle with God. This he confided in me in the later years when he had served in the ministry. This was one of the many I've asked him during the time spent in the ministry. Yunno, I really pestered him into serving in this ministry because I saw his beautiful heart that goes with a very good person. It took me a few years before he actually agreed to get on the bandwagon and served out in the ministry. We attended RR courses together and when he graduated as a full pledged commander, my friends and I were the first few to congratulate him. Uptill today, my friends and I couldn't put away the beautiful memories of sharing some really good times in Taman Negara, Cameron Highlands and even Sibu Island trip with the late Amos, Phebe and his son, David. The times we shared together as close friends and commanders were fabulous. So, you can imagine my immense sadness when he passed away. All of us were there with him right to the end of his walk.
Yunno, on his funeral day when several commanders including leaders from RR Malaysia together with us, his fellow commanders, carried out his hearse in full fledged RR uniforms and regalia, it was befitting of sending off one of the finest commanders in our ministry and our nation. He had no fancy badges nor accolades nor medals pinned to his chest pocket. He only had a great servant heart. YES! I must say, I will always miss this great friend of mine. On his calling us "scumbags" well, the explanation is simple. We are all scumbags in one way or another in our lives. We are scumbags because we will continue to carry our load of life with us and only when we let go of our life load that we would be free. So very true in our modern living today. It was Amos who taught me that our righteousness are like filthy rags in the Lord which is consistent with the Word of the Lord that say exactly that! Well, it's better to be called a scumbag because you will recover from your fraility and learn to be a better person. Amos was a strong advocator of that - never to judge others but always to give yourself an opportunity to redeem yourself & be a better person in life - be it when you are wrong or when you are wronged by someone.
AMOS PEE, wherever you are , we will always miss you! ~
So here's to "SCUMBAG DAY"!
* This article of mine is dedicated to Phebe Woon and David Pee *
Sunday, April 5, 2009
'Cheng Beng' in Seremban...
So preparations were made with the other cousins and relatives for 'cheng beng' and to meet up at about 7.15am at the foothill. SLing had informed the family that her dad's grave was at one end corner of the hill top. I could see that it meant a lot to her just to be able to get back at her dad's grave.
I noted that at the top end of the grave boundary, it was written "1975". That was the year my father-in-law passed away. Gosh! That's 34 years ago and no wonder it was nostalgic for SLing. To think that Wei and mom-in-law had been cleaning the place for the past 20 years without us elevated a sense of respect and admiration of the dedication all these years. So, to Wei & mom-in-law, my hats off to you for keeping the place clean and tidy all these while!Anyway, JWee tried his hands at painting the Chinese characters with gold paint, however, I took over from him and finished off the wordings the best I could as the scorching sun and heat were simply too much.
Then everyone took turns to do prayers and all that while we, [ SLing, JWee,SYuen and me ] abstained. We did a short prayer together and prayed for everyone's safety during this time. Wei and mom-in-law are aware of our stand and we were comfortable while they were very understanding. For me, personally, there is nothing to fear the dead, it's the living that we should be aware of because the dead can do no harm to us but the living is the more dangerous one! For me, I am just glad to be part of this family and to be able to do my bit of clearing and cleaning up my father-in-law graveyard.
I realised too that 'cheng beng' is just not a religious thing or a cultural thing. It is a time of fellowship, actually. You see, relatives from far and wide would gather on a particular day, such as this, to come together, meet up and even catch up on family matters.
It is a really good time of fellowshipping and bond. You may argue that there would be better occasion and better place to do this rather than the graveyard but stop and think for a while. There are only a few occasions when we actually get to meet all our relatives. To put it simply - weddings , birthdays, deaths or 'cheng beng'! There is no need for us to get all religious and riled up self-righteous when it comes to this. An occasion to gather, to meet up and to have a great time of fellowshipping are still the best. I could hear SLing chatting up with her relatives about the times they were up at the hills, the things they do and also, the good times with parents & relatives. Now, those things are priceless indeed - the good ol' days or rather sweet memories.
Today, I am just happy to be a part of what SLing misses a lot over the years. Afterall, she has always wanted to do this but it clashes with the time we spent on cleaning my dad's graveyard whenever 'cheng beng' comes. So, today, I am extremely glad that our family [ SLing, J Wee , SYuen and myself ] were able to help out this time and do whatever is necessary for 'cheng beng'. Someone asked us " Would we do it again next year? My answer : ~ SURE, why not?~
I realised too that 'cheng beng' is just not a religious thing or a cultural thing. It is a time of fellowship, actually. You see, relatives from far and wide would gather on a particular day, such as this, to come together, meet up and even catch up on family matters.
Today, I am just happy to be a part of what SLing misses a lot over the years. Afterall, she has always wanted to do this but it clashes with the time we spent on cleaning my dad's graveyard whenever 'cheng beng' comes. So, today, I am extremely glad that our family [ SLing, J Wee , SYuen and myself ] were able to help out this time and do whatever is necessary for 'cheng beng'. Someone asked us " Would we do it again next year? My answer : ~ SURE, why not?~
Friday, April 3, 2009

Since plans, devices, clarifications and solemn promises of changes had been made and are taking place, I am therefore withdrawing my articles which had fulfilled its purposes of awakening to a new dawn of changes.
I am a firm advocator , in my humble heart, that a man's word is his life integrity and I am no shirker or slacker on this matter. My articles are my words of integrity and therefore, as promises had been made, while I value the firm opinions of my good friends in life, I too will fulfill my responsibility to withdraw the articles. So, to all my commenters, my supporters, my "not-so-friendly" people and to those who had visited or have read my blog, I humbly thank you for your views - good, bad or even ugly. In all honesty and with a humble heart, I want to say that I treasure your views very much. [ X 1000 times ]
Today is not about winning or losing. It is about integrity and I am honoring mine!~
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