Sunday, November 30, 2008
CLAY Cafe Night 2008
With food servings like spaghetti, nachos dip, mini pizza, happy meal [ nuggets and cocktail sausages ] ,roti kahwin, garlic bread & mushroom soup, tuna dip with potato crisp and red bean dessert, it was a fun night for all of us. Our Food Cordinator was Soon Ling and soon, she was belting out the food list as they came in a flurry of action. Clearly, everyone did their job well and it was really fun being in the kitchen with these wonderful men and women.
Yunno, as far as the food and drinks are concerned, a lot of effort and a lot of care were taken to ensure that the food is ready, cleanly prepared and served on time. Yes,it was hectic at the small kitchen section but we managed it with great style, enjoyment and great team effort. That makes it very special but one back-breaking work, man especially the cleaning up! Thank God for the great team, we managed to get the kitchen area squeaky, spick and span cleaned in no time! Thanks guys for the great effort.
As for the crowd, somehow, I felt they were blessed that night.It was a night of really great music, a serving heart and a great time to fellowship. During one of my breaks in the kitchen, I went out to greet the youths - table by table and asking them about the food and the music. Many were happy with the food and the music fare. Many were impressed with the set-up and some even asked me if this was a regular thing for church youths. I told these youths [ boys & girls ] that we pray hard and we play hard too ~ sending them into a fit of laughter! Then I told them that they could drop by and see what CLAYouth meetings could offer them. I guess, I just wanted to do my part in helping out the team. Anyway, I told them, be ready for an adventure of their lives!!! So, youth leaders out there, you pray hard for the youths to drop by and bless their lives, ok? You just pray and lead them well, God would do the rest!
At the end of the day, I was dead beat tired as it was a working day for me earlier while I still had to run up and down the town to get things for the cafe night. It was really a worthwhile effort to help out. I always find it rewarding to be able to serve in the best capacity I could. There is no self glory in this ~ only a servant heart. That's what the kitchen crew [ Errol, Jessica, Soon Ling, Betty , Evelyn, Steven, Wan Sin , Josephine, Jocelyn ] felt that night ~ to be of service and be a servant for a good cause.I am truly blessed that at my age, with bones creaking & tweaking everywhere and tiredness, I could still play a small part in His Kingdom. That is truly satisfying!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Then, there's this excitement of putting up the Christmas tree. We just wanted to catch the holiday mood again and feel good. The tree came out piece by piece and so did the decorations. We all had fun putting up the tree and decorating the tree. It was really a family effort and I really liked the family time after a hard day at work. I guess, in many ways , I am more blessed than many others. As my family and I look forward to Christmas, we continued to reflect of the goodness of God in our lives. This is not an emotional overdrive but just a reflection of our lives as a family over the year.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Touch of Lives

When it was first announced that there would be a big party that Sunday evening, I was really happy and was looking forward towards it. Tables and chairs in the sanctuary were re-arranged to signify a place for the underprivileged and for the poor to have some drinks, tidbits and a sermon.

As I served some of the old folks that evening together with Joa Wee and the rest of the people, I really felt so privileged to have been able to participate in such a noble walk with the Lord and the real people who truly sees the real meaning of feeding others and reaching out to them. I believe it strongly in my heart that that the people can only do this if there is a greater anointing that flows from the very top of the leadership.

So, the next time you are around in Penang or even in your local church~ reach out, serve food and bless these lives. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirtied or even play your part in supporting such a worthy cause.You'll never lack anything when you are in God's presence! Here's to you~ Live Right!

Friendship Bliss....

From the moment my family and I arrived at Vive & Sathy condo unit, we were whisked into the car and driven to a place to sample the frog & eels porridge. It was at this place that everyone had gathered there for a great time of food and fellowship. I was blessed by their openness and their northern hospitality. We had great laughs and what I didn't know was that there is more food in store for all of us. After the sweating and salivating [ the frog & eels cooked in "kungpao" style with lots of chillies!!! ], we proceeded towards Ananda Bhawan for teh tarik session. It was at this place that we had the long tosai and komtar teh tariks and drinks! Again, great laughs and good fellowship all around! Then it was off to bed with our bellies jutting out signalling the insufficient place to download more food!

I then attended church service as usual and I soon met up with more friends. One couple whom I would like to mention is Kuna & Cheng. How we met through Vive is a long story but their invitation for dinner was truly a real blessing to Vive,Sathy, Soon Ling, Joa Wee and myself. We were treated with a buffet dinner at E & O Hotel - one of the poshest place to dine in Penang! I just couldn't believe it that I actually dined in E & O Hotel!~ Thank you, Kuna & Cheng for your hospitality. I'll always remember this as it was the first time I have eaten a grilled lobster together with a host of other good food stuff. The cheese cut was nice, oysters were superb while a host of other food were fantastic. Not forgetting, we had a blast of a time talking, sharing and having lots of laughter too. Oh! How blessed I am indeed to be able to speak to these two wonderful people! Truly truly a real blessing!
The following morning , we landed ourselves at Jaya restaurant for some Indian food! It was mighty nice and then it's off to Queensbay for some window shopping and reading. I practically stuck and snugged myself at Borders as I really enjoyed reading very much. Books!Books!Books! what a fanfare, man!
As for dinner that night, we met up at Teck Seng Restaurant for some pork [ yippeee. some staple food for me! ], fish and a whole load of niceties! Yummy, yummy, yummy! Food was fantastic! Later, we adjourned to Starbucks at some place called EPark to have some fun time of sharing and more laughter. As I sat down at the corner, I felt so blessed by these people. People who are simple in nature, no pretentious ways, trendy and tasteful while unabashed, friendly and chatterbox, indeed! These are good ingredients for great friendship.

Always in my heart : Vive, Sathy, BA, Jessy, Alyna, Darrian & Derris. Not forgetting, Kuna & Cheng. One special group of people. Three cheers to PATI!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Soon Ling's Birthday
Anyway, today, Soon Ling turned.......................younger [ Sorry, I am not going to tell ! It's a privy thing when it comes with women, right? It is case sensitive-lar! ] I want to stress that I am NOT going to get my intellectual properties down there get kicked by this woman, man! Anyway, she has been receiving endless SMS and well-wishers & I am just happy to see her face light up on her special day! She has kinda a cute face especially with those dimples! [ Gosh! I fell for her dimples-lar ! That's why I courted her-lar! Ha....ha..... ]. Her friends [ the ones that went to Langkawi with her ] bought us two bottles of Fortran red wine in small bottle to celebrate our wedding anniversary & her birthday! So thoughtful of them! I wish I could have many friends like that-lar! But yunno what, I am already blessed by having friends like you people out there!
On a more serious note, Happy Birthday, Soon Ling! God bless you!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
19 years of faithfulness...
Seriously, it has been a wonderful 19 years living with this woman I would call my wife, Soon Ling. Our 19 years has been layered and lacquered with joy, laughter, tears, fun, heartache, headache , quarrels, disappointments, happiness and sometimes,blood too [ Technically, it's the "vomiting of blood" or another word for "failure to understand" or plain dumbness, I am talking about!] Yes, you name it, we've gone through it. Not all of it but we're trying to get to the nicer ones only-lar. The ugly ones we shall take it with a stout heart and a great stomach for it!
In all honesty, I am so very grateful to my wife , Soon Ling. She is really a God given partner for me. For years now, we have gone thru thicks and thins together and though they are times we felt so strained and felt like letting go, there is always this thin thread in our hearts that would always bind us together. Yes, she can be a pain to me and vice-versa at times but never in a way that could harm our relationship together. That's the beauty of Soon Ling. I guess, we are together simply because we truly love and support one another. Sure, we still fight and quarrel like cats and dogs just like any couple would do but we always make it a point to make up. Saying the word " sorry" soothes a lot of pain and heat away. So never be stingy in saying "I'm sorry" in your relationship. In fact, it helps you to soothes away a lot of uneasy feeling and bring back some harmony. Like I said, it's not easy and sometimes we are like cows and donkeys but we worked it out! This love and support we both shared comes over the years of building trust , confidence and a life together. By all means, it's not easy as ABC but it's workable and teachable-lar.
Yes, I do believe in "love at first sight". I am a living testimony of this because that's how I felt when I saw Soon Ling walked into the halls of my college many moons ago. I guess, in a way, God has put a great woman in my path that day. One that I would always cherish and give thanks to for all these years of being together. Hmmmmmnnnnnn..... now, I am putting some people in a tight and green eye spot, isn't it? Ha.......ha.......... Don't be envious of what I am having right now because I want to give all thanks & glory to God, Almighty for His grace and mercy upon my life to have this woman , Soon Ling as my wife, life partner, confidante and a great mother to my two children.

Yunno, you'll never know how a wife would react in difficult times. But in my years with Soon Ling, I thanked God that she responded well and was even willing to go through the difficult times we went through. It is never a question of our faithfulness to one another but more to the financial side of matters and other matters beyond our control. We have been faithful to one another for the past 19 years and this is never an issue. One thing I've learnt over the years is that the difficult times we go through, well........ we always came out wiser.
As I looked into our lives today, we may not be rich materially but we have been richly blessed by the Lord and the wonderful lives of people that He brought into our lives. People like Wei & Jade plus little Ryan, Yam & Ting, Vive & Sathy, Dinesh & Abby, Steven & Wan Sin, Errol & Jessica, Jason & Shirley, On Tin & Bee Ling, Ignatius & Zamira, my colleague, Teo, Tan & Ai Lee, Lih Gin, Cristal, Jamie, Rachel, our cell group members, friends from afar and near and many others who are just too numerous to mention, who had practically coloured, lighted up and play a significant part in our lives together.
As I looked back into my 19 years of lifelong commitment with this woman whom I call, my wife, Soon Ling, all I can say is that let's have another great journey of life ahead of us - one day at a time! Oh Yes , for those of you who still have this thinking of " Life starts at 40 " and " 40 year old itch" thingy and so on, well..... I've got news for you...... Those things are pure crap! Stay faithful and see through you lifetime commitment of " till death do us a part" vow, ok? One word of advice woman is tough enough. Don't get yourself in a mess with another! There is already enough problems in this world! No need to add any more problems to it.
Little Friend Birthday Party....

Coming back to reality, Dinesh & Abby together with Auntie, Zamira and the children [ Shamitra, Shalini and Shaila ], Errol & Jessica, Josephine & Jocelyn, Jason & Elizabeth & their children, David and his family, Lennard & Lisa together with their little bundle of joy and Nelson & Sarah, celebrated my little buddy, Dave's birthday. Incidentally,

Friday, November 14, 2008
BBQ Nite.....A Combined Cell Delight
I guess, the night turned out great as we had great food and great fellowship together. What more could we asked for! In all honesty, it was really a very relaxing time and tonight was just smooth. It cosy, easy and simple. No fuss, no rules and best of all , no difficulties. Everyone was easy going and pleasant to talk to.