This morning as I was coming down the stairs and walking at the back lane of my office to get to my car at the car park, I saw two persons standing and talking near the back door of the lodge house near my office. One guy was somewhere in his 40's [ stout & mean looking ] while the other guy was in his 20's [ Ah Beng - frail looking kinda guy ] - at the most, 26 years old. Both were leaning against their motorbikes. I saw this younger guy pleading to the older guy to give him some time to settle some amount which I could not hear. Then , there was a loud thud sound and as I turned around I saw the young guy on the ground. He was practically begging for mercy on his life while this older kept pummeling into him with his legs and helmet. I quickly walked up to the older guy and stopped the swing of the helmet. This rogue guy just looked at me and asked me what I wanted but not before giving me a few lines of obscenities. I didn't know what came over me and I felt as though the masala tosai and nasi lemak breakfast with Steven was churning in my stomach. My temperature meter was rising fast but somehow, I managed to pull the heat temperature down. Anyway, I stood face to face with this borrower's assailant and I told him that there was no need to resort to such violence. Honestly, I must be crazy to stand up against a raging Ah Long and I could well end up being pulverised too. The thought DID cross my mind, though. Anyway, I don't how and where I got the courage but I knew that pulverizing the victim further would not help. Anyway, I said to the Ah Long that even if the borrower is being beaten to death, he would still have no money or not all the money to pay him. I suggested that he takes whatever amount is available and come back for more later or work things out with this poor guy. I used the "street" jargon and what not that the Ah Long understand. I also pointed out that Melaka is quite a small place and the borrower can't run away that far. At first, the Ah Long started with some usual obscenities to me but I kept calm as usual. BTW, I've been thru' in such situation and as I continued with the street slang/words, he understood what I meant. I then virtually picked up the victim and told him that he needs to pay up or he'll end up in some dumpster, dump site or floating in Melaka river. He thanked me but he looked stunned. I then left both of them to settle the things out themselves as I needed to get to my worksite asap. Before I left the place, I apologised to the Ah Long and I humbled myself and walked away. I could hear he told the victim in Hokkien, " You have a lucky day today because of that brother! Your stars must be shining ! The next time, it wouldn't be that easy, ok? Give me the money - whatever you have ! The rest you pay later !" [ translated from Hokkien to English ]
Thank God, someone did not end up a statistic in our death toll roll. I was embarrassed by what I saw when a human being would actually beat the crap out of another human being in broad daylight in the back lane. During the older days, it would have been like this but to see this type of scene in today's times, it's really sad and bad. No! It's shameful and it's really frightening. What a society we live in today~ Madness, pure madness!
Let's make a commitment to make our place [ wherever your home or street or township is ] a better place to live in! Let's take over our place with prayers and lots of help from the Lord!
God bless you all!
1 comment:
wa seh power man!
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