Yesterday, I experienced another car breakdown near my workplace. Trusty ol' faithful Proton started giving me headache and heartache again! You see, I wanted to go home earlier so that I could get ready for cell group meeting that night. When the car remote control failed, I had a bad feeling that the car is in trouble. Unable to start the car, my colleagues swarmed around the car like bees attracted to a a pot of goodies. Yeah! They meant well and we even tried jump-starting the car but it just wouldn't work! It's like watching E.R. at that moment with all the cables dangling here & there and what not! So traumatic-man! Then came the inevitable "Wh"-question! There were plenty of theories to why the car failed to start up~ ranging from battery to alternator, starter to wirings, old car to scrap metal ! Though I was sorta in a fix, pissed off because this caused another hole in my wallet but I actually find it a rather amusing of situation, actually. After my mechanic had fixed up the car and I got back at about 7.15pm , I was kinda tired by all and I wanted to give the cell group meeting a miss. In fact, Soon Ling had called our cell group leader, Rosemary to tell her of my predicament and I may not be able to share that night as I had some car trouble. Soon Ling encouraged me to go to the cell group meeting eventhough she knew that I would be late & tired. She told me this ; " Ivan, I know they await your sharing. Go when you are able to make it. You'll be blessed." Before I could say anything, she was off the door and headed towards her school annual dinner at Mahkota Hotel.

So, I picked myself up and I was determined to make it for the meeting. I wasn't going to be defeated by such a setback although I've had much more trying days earlier in the week. I glad I made the right decision because I was really encouraged by the testimony from my cell group members. I must say that I was really blessed that I was able to share on the topic - Ananias, a man of God from Damascus who was sensitive to the Spirit in our lesson on "God Uses Ordinary People". There were heart-warming and encouraging testimonies from LeeJK [ on God's favour upon his life for a breakthrough in job opportunity ] , Irene [ on deeper gratitude and understanding on sacrifical giving], Rosemary [ on God's goodness in her life and her desire for greater intimacy with God ] , Daniel [ on God's great provision on his life and the family, studies and heading the cell group ], Dorin [ on God's understanding for a good babysitter for her grandson ], Paul [ on God's goodness in his life, family and career ], Joyce [ on greater understanding of God's ways ], Bee Ling & On Tin [ on God's favour in their lives ]. Yunno, as I sat there in the comfort of a very nice cushion chair, I have been blessed by these people God had placed in my life. Yes, we may be different individually but our common love remains the same - GOD! That's the beauty of each and every family represented in our cell group that night! That night, I am just glad that I was able to share the lesson the best I could. I didn't want it to be all lesson for I believed strongly in my heart that greatest lesson one could ever have from life is the testimonies and sharing of thoughts from others. That makes the lesson/sharing sweeter than ever.
At the end of the day, it's a real good twist of events to a very trying week I've had. As I sipped my Green Tea drink after arriving home that night, I could only say, " God, You're So Good! " in my tiny little heart and...................that's a fact.~
Here is new catch phrase for you :~ To Know Jesus is To Love God !~
God bless you, people!
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