Seriously, it has been a wonderful 19 years living with this woman I would call my wife, Soon Ling. Our 19 years has been layered and lacquered with joy, laughter, tears, fun, heartache, headache , quarrels, disappointments, happiness and sometimes,blood too [ Technically, it's the "vomiting of blood" or another word for "failure to understand" or plain dumbness, I am talking about!] Yes, you name it, we've gone through it. Not all of it but we're trying to get to the nicer ones only-lar. The ugly ones we shall take it with a stout heart and a great stomach for it!
In all honesty, I am so very grateful to my wife , Soon Ling. She is really a God given partner for me. For years now, we have gone thru thicks and thins together and though they are times we felt so strained and felt like letting go, there is always this thin thread in our hearts that would always bind us together. Yes, she can be a pain to me and vice-versa at times but never in a way that could harm our relationship together. That's the beauty of Soon Ling. I guess, we are together simply because we truly love and support one another. Sure, we still fight and quarrel like cats and dogs just like any couple would do but we always make it a point to make up. Saying the word " sorry" soothes a lot of pain and heat away. So never be stingy in saying "I'm sorry" in your relationship. In fact, it helps you to soothes away a lot of uneasy feeling and bring back some harmony. Like I said, it's not easy and sometimes we are like cows and donkeys but we worked it out! This love and support we both shared comes over the years of building trust , confidence and a life together. By all means, it's not easy as ABC but it's workable and teachable-lar.
Yes, I do believe in "love at first sight". I am a living testimony of this because that's how I felt when I saw Soon Ling walked into the halls of my college many moons ago. I guess, in a way, God has put a great woman in my path that day. One that I would always cherish and give thanks to for all these years of being together. Hmmmmmnnnnnn..... now, I am putting some people in a tight and green eye spot, isn't it? Ha.......ha.......... Don't be envious of what I am having right now because I want to give all thanks & glory to God, Almighty for His grace and mercy upon my life to have this woman , Soon Ling as my wife, life partner, confidante and a great mother to my two children.

Yunno, you'll never know how a wife would react in difficult times. But in my years with Soon Ling, I thanked God that she responded well and was even willing to go through the difficult times we went through. It is never a question of our faithfulness to one another but more to the financial side of matters and other matters beyond our control. We have been faithful to one another for the past 19 years and this is never an issue. One thing I've learnt over the years is that the difficult times we go through, well........ we always came out wiser.
As I looked into our lives today, we may not be rich materially but we have been richly blessed by the Lord and the wonderful lives of people that He brought into our lives. People like Wei & Jade plus little Ryan, Yam & Ting, Vive & Sathy, Dinesh & Abby, Steven & Wan Sin, Errol & Jessica, Jason & Shirley, On Tin & Bee Ling, Ignatius & Zamira, my colleague, Teo, Tan & Ai Lee, Lih Gin, Cristal, Jamie, Rachel, our cell group members, friends from afar and near and many others who are just too numerous to mention, who had practically coloured, lighted up and play a significant part in our lives together.
As I looked back into my 19 years of lifelong commitment with this woman whom I call, my wife, Soon Ling, all I can say is that let's have another great journey of life ahead of us - one day at a time! Oh Yes , for those of you who still have this thinking of " Life starts at 40 " and " 40 year old itch" thingy and so on, well..... I've got news for you...... Those things are pure crap! Stay faithful and see through you lifetime commitment of " till death do us a part" vow, ok? One word of advice woman is tough enough. Don't get yourself in a mess with another! There is already enough problems in this world! No need to add any more problems to it.
So, here's to Soon Ling, God bless you, dearie!~
Wow...emo to the max........Happy Wedding Anniversary....!!!!
This is my first visit to your blog, and I'm already having lovebumps! Well written, and happy anniversary, Ivan and Soon Ling. Stay Loving and GBU and family always :)
P/S: Lennard should read this piece lah! =)
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for visiting my blogspot. I am humbled by your comments! You be blessed too especially with your bundle of joy and the bigger joy, Lennard!
Be blessed always!
Happy Birthday Aunt Soo Ling, May God Bless You..... from all of us in Skudai.
P.S That is a very beautiful pix of wonder Ivan fell for you
I think this is really romantic way to show Soon Ling, your love.
Happy Anniversary to both of you!!
Hi Jade,
Thanks. Hope Wei & Ryan are doing ok. Take care and be blessed!
so sweet =) =) =) God bless you
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