Today, I went to a clinic where I have a work appointment with a doctor. Upon arrival at the clinic, I immediately informed the nurse on duty that I had an appointment with this doctor and I was told ," Yeah!Yeah! Just sit right there. Others are also waiting for the doctor!"; showing to the row of seats at the clinic. I thought that was rather rude of her but like "all good Christian fella" [ Sigh ! I can be nasty at times but somehow, I just quieten down a bit for once ] , I just plunked down at the seat and looked around me. I saw three couples at the clinic :- one Chinese middle-aged couple, one Malay young couple whose wife was pregnant and one Indian daughter and her mother. I couldn't help but noticed that the Chinese couple was constantly bickering over the high clinic fees and some silly matters [also, money, money, money thingy ] while the young Malay couple were constantly whispering in each other ears, giggling and "manjaing" one another like a pair of bunnies in heat or some fresh new pair of teenagers in heat [ real irritating when I am seating beside them on the long lounge chairs ] while the Indian daughter and mother couple looked unduly worried and agonising look - lines all over their face! You see the range of human emotions in one clinic! That's cool, man.
In all honesty , I don't know the speciality of this doctor and neither have I met him. I was just there to do my work. When he finally arrived, wow! Sure looks, talks and works like a doctor! ~ Ada gaya,man! He had that commanding presence and no wonder there are plenty of patients around. I just could not help but marvel at that "presence", it's like having our Father in heaven's presence in a situation! It's that enigmafying feeling! Anyway, got my job done and I was out of there. I then met up with the doctor's insurance agent [ an Indian guy who just turns, and twist and twirls around the facts when I have already got all the facts in order when I spoke to the humble doctor! ] and I have nothing good to say about him. Like they say, if you don't have good things to say about that person, don't say it at all, right? That's what I am doing right now!~ Have a pleasant weekend ahead, everyone !~ Be blessed!
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