Anyway, I waited, waited, waited and waited. I had waited from 2.00pm and I was going mad trying to get myself busy by counting the tiles on the floor and on the ceiling. As I waited at the corridor, I could see every human reaction and spectre when they see the doctors! My God! The doctors are also so...........young! Then there's this thing the doctors and nurses do that is coming in from one door and coming out from the other doors. I was kinda in a spin when I saw this happening. Hmmmmnnnn..... probably to confuse the patients or afraid that they might get stabbed by some lunatics running around in the hospital ! It is so hilarious, actually. Coming from Room 1 and exit at Room 5 then coming in from Room 9 and exit from Room 2.
Oh Yes! I actually met a loony today. He was carrying a book and he was practically knocking on all the doctor's door telling them, " Its my last day today! See you soon! " Anyway, it was about 3.30pm that I actually got to meet the doctor. I was about to count the hairs on my legs when the door opened and there stood a young man and I said to myself, " I've seen this face!". Anyway, the doctor greeted me and vice versa. It was at that moment that he introduced himself to me and he told me this, " Sir, I am your student! Can't you recognise me? " I was dumbstruck and then, slowly, I recalled. [ I'm not that bad with faces and characters ! ] Here stood a man - a specialist in his field and a Senior at the hospital. Wow! What an honour! I had the privileged to teach this young man in school and after 12 years, he could still remember me!! [ I wasn't actually the bestest teacher in the school, I must admit! ] I was really honoured and happy to see him being successful in his field. I quickly finished up the work I had professionally and then catch up with my student. I was told a few of them had ended up being doctors in Ipoh ,KL and even Johor Baru. We talked of the good ol'times in school and that had his nurses in stitches at times. He introduced me to his nurses as the bad ass teacher! We had a good laugh, actually. Then, I asked him, what motivated him to be a doctor when I remembered that he wasn't really interested in that field when in school. He told me that there was one day when I had challenged the class to take up a field of work that could actually help the folks in the rural area and also, I had shared on the life I had in Sabah during one of my lessons. He told me, my advices & sharing helped him realised that there so much to do and so much to see around the place. He also told me that my insistence of challenging them to do their very best in their lives helped him and his group of friends a lot. Wow! That humbled me a lot, yunno. I never knew that my life could actually touch lives like that. Most of the time, students would bad-mouthed & spit on the ground when talking about their teachers, right? So, I really felt so blessed that I have made a difference in someone's life. Really, I felt so blessed. I give ALL glory to God! He is the one that has enabled me thus far. Thank you so much, Lord!
So, for all the teachers out there ~ hey! You'll never know the lives you touch with your life! Blessed you, teachers!~
1 comment:
One Moment listen please
The Moment you are in Tension
You will lose your Attention
Then you are in total Confusion
And you will feel Irritation
Then you will spoil personal Relation
Ultimately, you won't get Co - Operation
Then you will make things Complication
Then your blood pressure may raise Caution
And you may have to take Medication
Instead, understand the Situation
And try to think about the Solution
Many problems will be solved by Discussion
This will work out better in your Profession
Don't think it's my free Suggestion
It's only for your Prevention
If you understand my Intention
You will never come again to Tension
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