Ah Yes! He is virtually stuck to his mother, Jade, like a sticky glue while he is also sticky towards my mother-in-law. Could see him throwing some baby tantrums [ boy, he can really spread his lungs a bit when he screams! ] and so on but overall, he's quite adorable, actually! Yeah, fascinating kid actually. You see, m-i-l was consoling him that it was raining outside but he kept pointing outside with tears streaming down his cheeks. So finally when mil brought him out, m-i-l told him it was raining. At this point , he pointed to the hanging pink umbrella, man! To me , this is one clever dude-lar! But we didn't take him out and so, he screams-lar! I like that, actually! Spunky, smarty and give the lungs some good workout!

After all being said and done, Ryan is a really wonderful kid. His smiles are captivating and he's really a fun baby to play with. He really is a bundle of energy when you play with him. He can be really a heart wrencher when he takes his small pillow and puts his head down on it as if he's sleeping. That's really nice!

Christmas present.....hmmmmmnnnn...... two and half feet long with 0.3mm diameter and light brown/dark brown in colour item commonly known as "revival of the annual nature" or the ROTAN! Ha..................ha....................ha.........
He has grown up and we are already missing him! Sigh! We miss him!~
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