BTW, those figurines brought good memories because that was the first movie I saw on a first date with SLing. Can you imagine, me ~ lean and mean, watching "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" ? Yeah, I DID watch this movie with SLing and it's her favourite movie, actually! I guess, in many ways, SWN7D did bring us together in a good way and that's why I am enjoying the memories. Did you know that this is a 1937 movie which was given a whole new lease of colors and what not from Disney studios? It is really just fantastic the way they did the spectrum of colors in the movie and I was very impressed. Fulamak! The colors were alive and really diverse. BTW, I took Art as my second elective during college over Physical Education because I really like Art. So, to see SWN7D in their new technicolor after all these years was truly amazing. Anyway, one thing I still couldn't get it after all these years is why is it has to be an apple that caused the downfall of a woman? Why couldn't it be a pomelo, grapes, orange, pear, plum, banana or even watermelon? Why it has to be an apple? This drives me bonkers! 

If you ask me, I would rather watch " Mad Max II " or even some other action movie over this but when I see the movie together with SLing, it was different. Yes, I must confess that I did catch forty winks at certain part of the movie as I was too tired after a hockey game practise but overall, I actually enjoyed this movie. BTW, I also watch "Annie" and "Oliver Twist" but that's a different story altogether though!
Hey, I know that it's the "guy" thing to watch action packed movies and so on but sometimes, you need to see some really good movies. Few of my all time favourites are "Schindler's List", "Gandhi" [ I love this movie very much! ], "Lorenzo's Oil ", " Forest Gump", " A Few Good Men" , the list goes on and more recently, " Passion of Christ". These are meaningful movies. Movies you can relate to and movies that actually warmed your heart. Yes, I kinda like Jack Neo movies too ~ light hearted, filled with laughter and anecdotes plus plenty of life lessons to be learnt though the spoken Hokkien language vocabulary can be greatly expanded!
I guess, over the years, animation movies and techniques have gone leaps and bounds. Thus, more lively characters, heroes and villians alike are made alive by colors and life-like expressions! Hey! It's a megabucks business anyway. So, have a good time at the movies with your wife or even your girlfriend or even someone special in your life!
Afterall, all we ever have of our special ones will always be the times that we spent with them!~
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