Later that fateful evening after the day had unwind into a crawl of activity, SLing, SYuen and myself went out to the nearby shop to "ta pau" our dinner. [ It's Sunday and it's No Kitchen Day! ]. We had to get bread for tomorrow's breakfast and we happily got Gardenia bread. Then something caught my eye. I think, I must have moved along that area for about three times before I actually plucked up my courage to remove that special can of drink from the refrigerator of the mini market. Viola! It's Yeo Hiap Seng's Coconut Juice in a can!
I popped open the can ring and slurped the drink. It is more to gulping it down to clear the arteries! Yunno what, it tasted ...... good, actually.
What will they think of next? Pulut Hitam in a can or maybe Sweet Potato Drink in a can? You never can tell, do you?~
Haha...I've been eyeing that can drink for some time because I'm a BIG fan of air kelapa but since this one is canned, I have my doubts. So I resisted trying it lor. Now, maybe when I next see it, I'll give it a try.
Hey, yunno what, get out there are try it! It's quite refreshing,actually! Good luck trying it!
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