Now, step away from your "comfort" zone for a while and think. I ask of you to think deeply. If you are a good leader or even a good man/woman of God, do you really need to preach this message? Again, if you are a well-liked , down-to-earth, humble and gracious leader/deacon/preacher who does the will of God , aren't you gonna be respected and adored? Do you need this message to be preached to you or your people? You see, I have learnt one thing over the years in my life, when God is in the centre of your life, you fear not for your own life. You would rather lose your life for God than being sucked up in praises, taken in by sweeteners and sweet lies from the lips of humans. I have not planned to hit out at any specific group of people. I am planning to hit out at every level of people. BTW, as leaders we are judged more harshly than anything else. So, might as well include everybody, right? When I say leaders, I mean from the very top of the food chain to the very bottom! That includes elders, pastor, deacons, lay minister, ministry leaders and even leaders in general. Of course, I am starting a revolution! It is the revolution in the mind, heart and soul that I am more interested than the physical revolution you might be thinking!

I've got news for people who like to preach this type of message. You are fearful for your position or your status in leadership role. You are scaring the daylights out of yourself for things that would not have happened if you are good and accountable leader. You are an insecure person and leader who is afraid that others are better than you or in better words, you're envious of other people achievements. Plus, you are building your own family dynasty in the place we call sanctuary!
Read the following article and tell me that I am wrong. Yeah! It's gonna be a long day indeed!
Touch NOT the Lord's Anointed! [ Berita NECF - Nov-Dec, 2008 ]
The phrase, “Touch not the Lord’s Anointed”, is often tossed around when there is a leadership crisis in a church. Challengers of the leadership would be reminded to keep their hands off the ‘anointed’ or else... (face the consequences of God’s judgment?). How did this phrase arise and how does it square with the rest of God’s Word?
Berita NECF invites LOW CHAI HOK to touch on this thorny issue.
Because the ministry of the church calls for the fulfillment of an infinite mission by the painfully finite means of broken people who seem always short on resources and shorter still on the time and commitment, church leadership is tough.
It is inevitable, therefore, that differences of opinion often arise. Caught in such laboriously difficult situations, church leaders have often been tempted to shout down 'the opposition' with the demand to "touch not the Lord's anointed!"
What are we to think of this "Do not touch the Lord's anointed management approach" (let's call it Dontlama, for short)?
Firstly, Dontlama reads Scriptures the wrong way round. The foundational text for the idea of not 'touching the Lord's anointed' is the Saul-David narrative (1 Sam 24-26). In this text, it expresses David's free and voluntary decision not to kill Saul. Motivated by his personal sense of right and wrong, he saw Saul - despite his bloodthirsty advances - as the Lord's anointed.
Dontlama turns a free and voluntary decision into an injunction motivated either by the leader's need for recognition as the Lord's anointed, or by the presumption that he is the Lord's anointed. Instead of reading the Scriptures, Dontlama reads the Scriptures to others.
Secondly, Dontlama draws a parallel between two conflicts: the leader-vs-his dissenting member and Saul-vs-David. Since the demand is made upon the dissenting member to act like David, that leaves the leader paralleled by Saul.
Yes, Saul was the Lord's anointed. He was also wrong. Rejected. And, in the end, decapitated. Now, why would any leader want to be so equated?
Thirdly, and fundamentally, Dontlama is spiritual ransom, falsely holding the threat of divine punishment over the heads of the dissenting members as the price for compliance.
True leadership envisions, enables, and persuades. It does not manipulate. Nothing demonstrates our lack of true leadership and the absence of the Holy Spirit and grace in our life and ministry more than our descent into machination and coercion.
Finally, Dontlama is hubris (excessive pride, arrogance and ambition), and a demonstration of our lack of faith. Dontlama says, in effect, "Look, I am the Lord's anointed."
If we are, truly, the Lord's anointed, will not others recognise it, and will not the Lord open the way for us, without our egging for it? And is not our Lord Jesus Christ our only "the Lord's anointed," and the rest of us mere servants? Where is the servanthood if we lord it over our brethren with such presumption of being the Lord's anointed?
Effective church leadership is an act of grace, plus a lot of miracles. "You, you shall not touch me, me - the Lord's anointed, OK?" is not one of them. Quite definitely so.
Formerly a pastor, Low Chai Hok is now an itinerant preacher and expositor of God’s Word. Presently, he and his wife, Lilian, are building a home for Christians who need a place of quiet to find healing for a wounded heart, to reflect, to be alone with God or to write.
The phrase, “Touch not the Lord’s Anointed”, is often tossed around when there is a leadership crisis in a church. Challengers of the leadership would be reminded to keep their hands off the ‘anointed’ or else... (face the consequences of God’s judgment?). How did this phrase arise and how does it square with the rest of God’s Word?
Berita NECF invites LOW CHAI HOK to touch on this thorny issue.
Because the ministry of the church calls for the fulfillment of an infinite mission by the painfully finite means of broken people who seem always short on resources and shorter still on the time and commitment, church leadership is tough.
It is inevitable, therefore, that differences of opinion often arise. Caught in such laboriously difficult situations, church leaders have often been tempted to shout down 'the opposition' with the demand to "touch not the Lord's anointed!"
What are we to think of this "Do not touch the Lord's anointed management approach" (let's call it Dontlama, for short)?
Firstly, Dontlama reads Scriptures the wrong way round. The foundational text for the idea of not 'touching the Lord's anointed' is the Saul-David narrative (1 Sam 24-26). In this text, it expresses David's free and voluntary decision not to kill Saul. Motivated by his personal sense of right and wrong, he saw Saul - despite his bloodthirsty advances - as the Lord's anointed.
Dontlama turns a free and voluntary decision into an injunction motivated either by the leader's need for recognition as the Lord's anointed, or by the presumption that he is the Lord's anointed. Instead of reading the Scriptures, Dontlama reads the Scriptures to others.
Secondly, Dontlama draws a parallel between two conflicts: the leader-vs-his dissenting member and Saul-vs-David. Since the demand is made upon the dissenting member to act like David, that leaves the leader paralleled by Saul.
Yes, Saul was the Lord's anointed. He was also wrong. Rejected. And, in the end, decapitated. Now, why would any leader want to be so equated?
Thirdly, and fundamentally, Dontlama is spiritual ransom, falsely holding the threat of divine punishment over the heads of the dissenting members as the price for compliance.
True leadership envisions, enables, and persuades. It does not manipulate. Nothing demonstrates our lack of true leadership and the absence of the Holy Spirit and grace in our life and ministry more than our descent into machination and coercion.
Finally, Dontlama is hubris (excessive pride, arrogance and ambition), and a demonstration of our lack of faith. Dontlama says, in effect, "Look, I am the Lord's anointed."
If we are, truly, the Lord's anointed, will not others recognise it, and will not the Lord open the way for us, without our egging for it? And is not our Lord Jesus Christ our only "the Lord's anointed," and the rest of us mere servants? Where is the servanthood if we lord it over our brethren with such presumption of being the Lord's anointed?
Effective church leadership is an act of grace, plus a lot of miracles. "You, you shall not touch me, me - the Lord's anointed, OK?" is not one of them. Quite definitely so.
Formerly a pastor, Low Chai Hok is now an itinerant preacher and expositor of God’s Word. Presently, he and his wife, Lilian, are building a home for Christians who need a place of quiet to find healing for a wounded heart, to reflect, to be alone with God or to write.

Hmmmm...... I guess, I stepped on a lot of people's toes, ain't I ? Well, before you take a pop shot at me again..... [ It is not that I've not been branded already with so many "beautiful" names! ] Give it a thought, ok? I didn't write the above commentary [ You can check it out at the NECF website! ] and I find it to be refreshing when you actually get to the actual meaning of the phrase. I am very sure, it will rock the socks off you and see things in a different perspective. Now, do you see things in a different light? That's all I asked of you. You can get a lot of expounding of that phrase meaning when you search for it with your whole heart either by books or the electronic media or learnt it from the best teacher - God, himself. We need to rid ourselves of this "kampung" mentality and stand accounted for Him. Don't hide and take cheap pop shots at people while hiding behind the skirts of so-call religion , self -righteousness and the thick wall of fear. This place we live in call Earth needs the truth because the lies and intricate web of deceits are so thick even the mosquitoes are suffering from lack of oxygen!
Changes starts with you and me. We need not take up firearms nor machineries for our revolution in life. It starts with the power of knowing the right from the wrong. The good from the bad; the truth from the lies. There is power in seeking the true word of the Lord. I must confess that when it comes to God's Word, I have not stopped learning, probing and rejoicing. It is an on-going process to renew our minds. Stop instilling fear in our lives by such nonsensical twisting of God's word for one's favour! Get out into the sunshine and let the rays from the sun brighten up your clouded lives or better still, let the rays of sunshine bring light to the darkness of your life. It'll do you a whole lot of good in your spiritual walk with HIM!
Me? I am just a stupid and naive blogger...................it seems....................What do you think?
My Dear Friend,
The Lord Gives And The Lord Takes.
He hears His children cries. Continue your good work. Be strong . . .
Thank you for dropping by and for the words of encouragement. I am blessed by your kind words.
I went through two church leadership crisis. First as an ordinary member and second as a boardmember. People sucks into this notion to play safe or "not to rock the boat". On the order hand, leaders (or sometime pastors) preach this to shield themselves.
Anyway bro, good commentary!!
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and support. God be with you and bless you! I appreciate and am very much humbled by your comments.
Glad you are up and running again. For a moment there, I thought your 2000 cc capacity are all screwed up and all things gone soft!
Alright, keep the heat on and get the whip cracking. These nuts needs to be crack and step on. I wanna see bleeding, blood all over the road! Hah!
Thank God for a brother like you, or else so many sinister events get scotfree. 10 ups for Ivan!
See you soon brother.
God bless you. The weather over here is great, care to join us?
Thank you for your encouragement and support. No need to bathe the streets with blood-lar..The blood bank needs it more! Ha....ha.... I aprreciate your care and concern very much. The light will expose the darkness for sure!
I am circulating your blog to many friends in and out of the country. We will expose all wrongdoings and put him to shame. This is not the place to build his little kingdom, no no not in this church. He can have his fun with the monkeys and pigs in the forest. I will write again! Keep it up.
Thanks again for dropping by. I am all for truth, transparency and accountability. Let us all be vessels and keeping our lives intact in the sight of God.
God bless you.
I understand there is a conference coming up this weekend, what a great time and season to expose wrongdoings by church leaders. Such are the kind that should be removed for the good of the church and the congregation that loved the chuch so much. Old leaders that are no longer 'valid' should step down and allow younger christians to step in for the growth of the ministry and church as a whole. Old hecks, go home!
Your views and stand will travel far and wide for these are the age of bloggers! Many will know.
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