Last weekend, my favourite nephew, Ryan and the family from Seremban dropped in for a weekend of fun. You see, Wei & Jade was invited to attend a wedding dinner and so, it was a good weekend break for them. To SLing and me plus our two children, we are happy to host them over the weekend as it has been quite a while since they dropped by in Melaka. They were also joined by mom-in-law and Kenneth, a young budding lawyer [ mom-in-law used to babysit him and now, he has grown up! Still single, though. Any takers? Contact SLing for further arrangement. Deposit of cash is appreciated and encouraged but non-returnable! ]

It was really good to see all of them. Most important of all, we all wanted to know if my nephew, Master Ryan can adapt himself outside his safe home in Seremban. Thank God! He looked suspiciously at everything in the house for a while and then the smiles came back and everything is all and well! Hooray! As usual, I prepared some baked potato with garlic, thyme and rosemary herbs topped with streaky bacon! Everyone seemed to wolf it down and so, I presume that it should taste okay for some starters or is it because they are hungry! Hmmmn.... I wonder, though! Anyway, it was really fun to be able to prepare somethingnice for the family though! Well, it is actually fun for me to churn out whatever food I could because I really enjoyed feeding my family with good food.

Then, it's off to Jusco for special time with Ryan at the playground area and some light shopping. By the time we went back, Wei & Jade were off for their wedding function. We had a sumptuous dinner and then, we just enjoyed ourselves with Ryan's antics and be mesmerised by his smiles, laughs and more gibberish words. Yup, he did cry....sorry..... 'screamed' is the word for about 35 minutes later in the night. Surpisingly, I was quite used to it by now and it didn't bother me, actually. It was good to see everyone trying their best to cajoule him down and eventually, he slept with us in the master bedroom amongst the spread mattress and bodies of JWee, SYuen and mom-in-law. He's really cute expecially with his own set of pillows and blanket! Gosh! Pity Wei & Jade who would have to lugged a large baggage when they go out on holidays with Ryan!

Anyway, after a hearty breakfast the next day, we had a special toys session. SLing carted out 4 containers and one cardbox of toys from the store room for Ryan to pick out to play when he goes back! Phew! Even I didn't expect that there was so much toys around!Gosh! we really spend that much for our children. Yeah! We kinda spoil them, actually! Tsk!Tsk!Tsk! Anyway, it was fun seeing Ryan enjoying the toys together with JWee and SYuen. Before they headed for home, we decided to have a good sumptuous meal at the nearly opened Bei Zhan Restaurant. The meals were fantastic while the service was astoundingly fast & efficient. We were realy impressed by it and the guests never seemed to stop flowing into the restaurant. This reataurant is making big bucks while spending big bucks too on the decor and so on.

Really nice, chic, trendy, cosy and soft touch family restaurant. I would most definitely recommend this place to anyone who is game for some really good food and fantastic ambience. The pricing on the food is surprisingly reasonable and affordable.
Kinda miss the tiny tot, Ryan after they headed home. That's the best part about missing Ryan. We get to go back in Seremban soon, over the weekend, to spend time some more time with him. Tickle him pink, yellow and red while we have a great physical workout in running after him! That's how we spend this weekend.~ With great family members and a whole lot of fun together!
Thank you so much for everything. I really like the potatoes with steaky bacon that you have cook for us, not because of hungry but it really taste delicious. Hope to try out your order delicious dishes... :)
You are welcome. Will be trying out pizza soon. Hopefully, it'll turn out ok. Take good care of yourself and have a great day ahead!
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