I have to be honest and say that I can't digest lies, vulgarities,threats , strong words and I most certainly will not let greed be part of all this either. People in the predicament of nature disasters can be very greedy without them knowing. So what if you get a little more and milk the entire situation- they say. Afterall, it is not your money and you're not in our shoes and so on. That's the common 'greetings' I get for the past week. It is not so much of "what is right" anymore. It is about getting more, more, more and more. It is like they get hooked on the "money drug" syndrome. I am not challenging their legality in getting compensation for their losses but I am dead against them making a tidy sum out of it and grinning happily all the way to the bank. To me, this is pure greed. Again, some may say that I am wrong on this matter but I don't give a two hoots, anyway! Greed is greed! Period!
I really wish I could describe to you some of the ballyhoo, drama and the ruckus some of these people created just to get what they wanted - this includes the rich, the average and the poor. Their theatrical acts would probably be best sellers in TVB channel soap operas or even lend up in Thangatirai channel. From executives , working individuals right down to the housewives, greed is written all over their faces. From local leaders, heads to politicians, everyone is out for some "name making" mileage and popularity standing. It's just disgraceful and a great distaste anyway as far as I am concerned. BTW, in the countless number of places and houses I've been to over the week, only two families actually offered me some water to drink. That's the hospitality we have cultivated in our society today!
I guess, the worst of the lot are the rich ones. Again I am not saying that all the rich ones are like that but virtually every class of the society are also like that. But this trait is particularly pertinent in the rich ones. In most cases, it is like their right to get more. I am not against the rich but I do find some of their characters and manners - a real stinker! It is like the Hokkien saying '" U lui tek see lang" or literally/loosely translated as " when you have the dough, you step over people all over! " Well, if you ask the rich, they'll say that they are not like that and they are just fighting for their rights and so on. What? Rights to get more from others? Rights to belittle others? Well, I've seen them all - rich or poor! Like I said, it's greed all the way- from the rich to the poor!
If you ask me if I want to get rich financially, my direct answer to you would be - I really don't know. Honestly, if I am rich financially, I wouldn't know what to do with it. Afterall, I have been where I am for such a long time - it would have been a big culture shock to me. Nope! I am not being a hypocrite. I just wouldn't know what I'll do with it. [ But the first thing I'll do is to go to Tibet and climb Mount Everest! ] I would rather have just enough but then again, you'll probably questioned me - What is enough in my context, right? Hey, like it or not, money is essential today in our lives. I would be a living idiot if I say money is not important. Again, how much do you want and what is your cap? That's the question. A lot of us started out with this in our mind, " OK, I just want to have enough and I'll be happy" but somehow, it is never enough, isn't it? Don't forget that everything is about money and it is important to have money to pay this and pay that. The only problem comes when you crave for more and greed takes over. The action of craving and greed tends to lead to lies and more creative lies. If I am not mistaken, a lie is a lie - whether it is a big lie, small lie, white lie or colourful lie. This applies not only to monetary matters but virtually every section of our lives if we are not careful to guard our lives. It is a snaking disease that plague our lives if we allow it to manifest under our noses.
Well, welcome to our wonderful world where everything is about the rich getting richer while the poor getting poorer and the ailing world is getting more wicked! Now, you don't like hearing this , right? Well, it is a fact! Digest it!
So, what do we do about it? Absolutely NOTHING! [ Gotcha! You think I'll preach on the change the world bit , right? ]
Yeah! Sit tight, do your job, collect your salary, mind your own business, take care of your family, get your life and family right with God, wait for your turn to be in the 6'X 4' plot and pray & hope that you'll have a great time explaining about your life to God!~ What do you think?