Well, today is Report Card Day in my son's school. You can imagine the mayhem and the pain he gave me! There are times I have questioned God if my son was born just for the sole purpose to torture me!As a father and as parents, we [ I am speaking for SLing too ] have given him the very best we could. I have even spoken to him, encouraged him and even speak to him in the vey best manner I could but still he drives me nuts and in total despair. I am not embarrassed by how he fared in his exams, I am embarrassed that he does not even value himself by getting such grades and marks. It is really a poor reflection of who he is actually and what he can do when he puts in effort. I guess, at the end of the day, the parents will get the sticks for this and that but I tell you the truth, believe me, SLing and I have given our very best for him. I guess, we have become bad parents again. Yunno, all I wish is for my son/daughter to do well in his/her studies so that he/she could have a better place and standing in the future. Is that too much to ask from your son/daughter? There are times I really don't know what goes through the teenagers minds! I know for sure I wasn't like that.

Gosh! I love my son and my daughter but my heart really cannot take this. Yunno, when I went to the teachers' table to collect the Report Card, somehow, I apologised first to the teacher in charge for whatever my son had done in class. I also apologised profusely to the teacher in charge and told her to convey my sincere apologies to the rest of the teachers who is teaching my son in school. I told her that I had expected the worst since finding out last week in regards to his school works. It is troubling and painful to hear from teachers regarding your children's works and it is even more humbling when you have to apologise profusely for their actions. I just wish he could understand just how much we had sacrificed for him and his sister.
There are times in my life I constantly asked myself when I am lying on the bed very much awake [ to be honest, I have a lot of sleepless nights! ] , " What can I do for him, Lord? What more can I do for him, Lord?" This is a cry from my heart and this is a cry from a father's heart. In all my hardship, my difficulties, my struggles, the storms, the trying endeavors, I have never shed tears as easily as today, as I write this right now. I didn't care even if my colleagues see me crying as I write this. So, you can imagine what I am feeling right now and how stumped I really am. It really hurts. It really hurts........ more than you can ever imagine......
cheer up big man. Don't worry. He will make it to uni or college someday. :D
Thamk you so much for the encouragement and confidence,bro.
Bro take it easy. I am sure that he is capable of doing something that he likes and enjoy. Time will take care and with encouragement and proper guided care and of course discipline he can overcome. If it’s a comfort, let me tell that you have not seen the worst of cases as what you see in my line of duty. ( I hope you know what I’m talking about. So bro….Take It Easy, Make It Funky!!!!
bro... there are times when how we fare in school will not determine how we fare in the future. I have friends and a brother... hahaaa... who did not fare well in school but did exceedingly well in college and work life. The studies and school differs from the studies that we do to excel in life. Hope bro. Hope in God.
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28
Pray that God will call him. Haha not necessarily to full time la... but to call him unto Himself and unto His purpose. Only then his heart and life can be transformed to be like Him and for Him. May your son be what He wants him to be as you feel the heartbeat of God beating for His children. As we understand His heartbeat, we understand how to cherish and love our children. Bro, your heartache becomes Your Father's heartache as well. Pray that the Father calls him. In the meantime, the heavenly host are right behind you.
Be encouraged.
Thanks, bro. I really appreciate your comments and fine encouragement.These are words of comfort. You take care while on duty,bro. Our prayers are with you always!Thanks.
Thank you so much, bro. Really really appreciate your fine words of encouragement and support.Yes, I've gotta hope and continue hoping,man. I see your point and I will take up your sound advice. Thank you so much!
Psalm 127:3-5:
"Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."
The children aren’t only pictured as a reward; they are seen as the psalmist as a weapon. As arrows in the hands of a warrior. Parents have the greatest measure of influence as to how straight they are shot, and how sharp their blades are. We can raise them to understand the great purposes of the universe, and that a life given for those purposes is not one spent in vain.
Don't give up...you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Ask a friend of his to talk to him. Parents hardly work anymore. Sad to say. Some how at this age onwards we listen to friends more.
Thanks, bro. You are always a word of encouragement away as always. I appreciate that a lot. I am truly blessed to have a friend/family like you.
Thanks for the word of encouragement too,bro. Always have great insights from you. I appreciate that a lot. Thanks!
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