Coming back to reality, my good friend, Teo and I prayed that the rain would stop. Yeah! Like I said, we've had enough of the floods, actually. Anyway, the rain didn't stop but poured on mercilessly for 6 hours and a disaster was unavoidable. I wish I could sing, " I am singing in the rain, Singing in the rain....." instead all I could mutter was " Here we go again !"
True enough, the calls started coming in and file folders flew & grew. Soon, there was a pile and counting. I just got myself ready and all the while muttering" Why? Why? Why? ".
Honestly, I dragged my feet as I prepare for the "assault" one more time. It's like Britney Spears " Baby, Hit me one more time! " I moved from one corner to another while colleagues also went on the same mission. Before long, calls came in - some downright rude, demeaning and laced with a huge dose of vulgarities started to sting my ears. All in all, I had 25 missed calls and 32 sms unanswered! Smiling to myself, aaaahhh! some peace and quiet at last for me to do my work peacefully. Yeah, I do not mind the drizzle and the calls though but I can't stand vulgarities. The general public is so full of it - as though it is a natural thing to do - handing out vulgarities and bad word swearing. As I don't condone such acts, I just tell it straight that I will not take vulgarities in my rounds. Most of the time, it helps while there still some hard core ones. I don't really understand the need for vulgarities and what not in such situations. I just do my job and I am out of there!

Say what you want, I got back home at 8.30pm that night - tired and really drained. I really love the rain but not this time!~
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