Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Living Nightmare....Flood!

Well, Monday blues comes with a big reputation and it definitely lived up to its billing indeed! It was not only raining cats and dogs but several blitzkrieg of lightning together with booming clap of thunder brought a whole new wave of meaning to flood and natural disaster. I was at work when it started raining heavily and when the loud clap of thunder kept hammering on, the memories of sleepless night and terrifying work ahead kept playing in my mind. Not only is it tiring but it's really heartbreaking at times seeing the devastation of one of the vilest nature disaster called the flood. Anyway, I kept telling myself, " Oh Gosh! Not again. Please not again!". You see, working during the 2006 flood cases were really tiresome. I still remember the regimented zombie-like waking hours and relentless work in the field. Hunger, tiredness and ungratefulness greeted my colleagues and I during those times and not forgetting, a few threats on our lives too. So, it wasn't pleasant memories in those earlier days. Trust me, if there is a word for it, I would call it BRUTAL days!
Coming back to reality, my good friend, Teo and I prayed that the rain would stop. Yeah! Like I said, we've had enough of the floods, actually. Anyway, the rain didn't stop but poured on mercilessly for 6 hours and a disaster was unavoidable. I wish I could sing, " I am singing in the rain, Singing in the rain....." instead all I could mutter was " Here we go again !"
True enough, the calls started coming in and file folders flew & grew. Soon, there was a pile and counting. I just got myself ready and all the while muttering" Why? Why? Why? ". Honestly, I dragged my feet as I prepare for the "assault" one more time. It's like Britney Spears " Baby, Hit me one more time! " I moved from one corner to another while colleagues also went on the same mission. Before long, calls came in - some downright rude, demeaning and laced with a huge dose of vulgarities started to sting my ears. All in all, I had 25 missed calls and 32 sms unanswered! Smiling to myself, aaaahhh! some peace and quiet at last for me to do my work peacefully. Yeah, I do not mind the drizzle and the calls though but I can't stand vulgarities. The general public is so full of it - as though it is a natural thing to do - handing out vulgarities and bad word swearing. As I don't condone such acts, I just tell it straight that I will not take vulgarities in my rounds. Most of the time, it helps while there still some hard core ones. I don't really understand the need for vulgarities and what not in such situations. I just do my job and I am out of there!
Say what you want, I got back home at 8.30pm that night - tired and really drained. I really love the rain but not this time!~

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