As early as 6.00am, I was up from my bed and did my usual stuff. I spend some good time praying and seeking His favour for our trip. A few minutes before 7.00am, Errol came to the house.
We had coffee and some home made kaya before the short burst of BMW horn awakened us to the arrival of Steven and our time to hit the road. It is off for breakfast of wantan mee and laksa before slamming the accelerator to Eddy's place in KL.
The journey was sparked with plenty of laughter and fun. By the time we reach Eddy's house, he was cleaning up the car and was ready for our "hunting" trip. Along the way, Eddy informed us that finding a good campsite nowadays is like finding a needle in a haystack. There are still some nice campsites around but mostly have been developed and turned into big -money churners. I guess, the lure of big bucks and capitalising on the sparse/depleting natural wonders made it even more difficult to get a real natural campsite. 
Our first campsite was Dusun-Eco Adventure Camp site. Though this is a huge campsite with excellent facilities, the place looked a little bit commercial. There are three swimming pools with water flowing from the mountain top. The flying fox facilities looked very good while the Burma bridge also looked good and sturdy. Abseiling tower is constructed of metal steel against the backdrop of a tree and wooden planks surface and this looks interesting too. I didn't like the camping site area which looked run down a bit while the water activity looked murky. I must admit that I did not have a good feeling of this campsite overall. This was shared by Errol but Steven kinda like the place. I also noted that the place was crowded a little bit while with the vast area, it would be a little difficult for logistics wise. 
Off we went to the second campsite which is Perting Valley Adventure Camp site. It is about 15 minutes from the Bentong toll exit as one travels from KL. The journey was superbly bumpy but we love it. It's undulating terrain and natural landscape groove had us all bumping up and down but it was fun. Upon arrival , we were greeted by the caretaker cum Finance Manager, Ms.Chin and we looked around the camping site and the surrounding area. It has a steady beautiful stream flowing by and the water looked clear and clean. I immediately took a liking to this place because it is protected by perimeter chain-linked fencing and the place is generally clean. I didn't like the camping grounds but I like the environment feel. Very natural but again, slight commercialism had crept in. I really like the stream that flows through this camp site. The sound of rustling waters was a real comfort. There are flying fox facilities which was quite a short run and so too was the Burma bridge.
We had a peeked at the obstacle course and it was quite simple but acceptable. I like this place mainly because it is quite peaceful and calm. Errol and me liked the place but Steven thought it was a little short of activities to do.
Off we went to the second campsite which is Perting Valley Adventure Camp site. It is about 15 minutes from the Bentong toll exit as one travels from KL. The journey was superbly bumpy but we love it. It's undulating terrain and natural landscape groove had us all bumping up and down but it was fun. Upon arrival , we were greeted by the caretaker cum Finance Manager, Ms.Chin and we looked around the camping site and the surrounding area. It has a steady beautiful stream flowing by and the water looked clear and clean. I immediately took a liking to this place because it is protected by perimeter chain-linked fencing and the place is generally clean. I didn't like the camping grounds but I like the environment feel. Very natural but again, slight commercialism had crept in. I really like the stream that flows through this camp site. The sound of rustling waters was a real comfort. There are flying fox facilities which was quite a short run and so too was the Burma bridge.
After that, it was off to lunch at Ulu Yam Lama. Delicious meal of lala, home-made fish cake, keledek leaves, famous Ulu Yam loh mee [ vinegar based soupy typed of mee filled with a beautiful helpings of lard [ plentiful & heavenly! ], pork ,fish cakes, prawns and vegetables.] of and fried rice. After filling up our belly tanks, it was off to our former campsite which we had used not too long ago, Amberstone Eco Resort. We were met with disappointment when we arrived there.
Very commercial , very run down now, murky stream waters and the land on the other end of the resort had been bought over for RM 1.2million and turned into someone's home. Overall this area was in bad shape and too commercialised especially with colourful huts for rent at RM 20.00 each hut and it brought a bad taste to the area. Well, chasing a few ringgits and abusing mother nature to the max.
Then Eddy told us that he would bring to quite a place which would be nice. Eventhough the ride was bumpy and undulating, we managed nicely to a place called Hulu Tamu. I guess, because this place was inaccessible by car but only by 4WD vehicles, Pahlawan Eco Resort has remain quite pristine. I just fell in love with the flowing stream which was really out of this world. Though it would not be the chosen campsite for the time being, I really relished the plans to go back there some day. BTW, we passed through a mineral water bottling factory before reaching our destination. That can only mean that the water here is truly good in quality. This is the type of pristine place which we are looking forward. With very basic amenities, it is enough for the nature lovers from all walks of life. Manned by a retired army guy, he was cleaning up the place when we dropped by.
Clearly the place was very simple, clean and scenic. I really love this place and I could just sit here for hours enjoying the beautiful scene. A lot more peaceful and serene. After taking photographs, we went back to Eddy's home for some refreshment before we hit the highway back to Melaka.
It was a good trip for me generally. I am amazed with the Eddy's dedication in looking out for camp sites for his RR group in KL. It is rarely you can find such committed and dedicated leader like Eddy. I really have to learn a lot from this man when it comes to the passion in serving God for the children in RR ministry. Eddy has shown once again why he is the man when it comes to looking for camp site which is slowly being eroded and taken over by commercialism.
So, to Eddy Law, thank you so much, my friend! It is really a pleasure being able to go to these gem places and I really hope that the children will appreciate this places. For my buddies, Steven and Errol, it was indeed a great pleasure travelling with them and having fun all the way. It was really good!~ Anyway, All three of us really dream of having a special outing camp just for the leaders at Pahlawan Eco Resort someday! We will make it, definitely!~
woohoo.. i wanna go too. :D
The camp wil be held at Perting Valley Adventure Camp. Nice place and you are welcomed to join in. Rangers forever,man! Camp fee - RM 100..........Rangers style!
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