You bet I am mad! Though I am not a Catholic but I am still a Christian. Being able to worship freely and with liberty are the most important things in a religious understanding country like ours. I likened the situation as having people from all walks of life into our sanctuary, treat them well and they then repay your kindness by saying that you mistreated, abused and cornered them. It is not only blatant disrespect but truly lies. If I remember correctly, telling lies in all religions is sin, am I not correct here? I am also more appalled by our so-called Christian associations [ BTW, we have one hundred and one organisations but none have the right marbles, I mean , real marbles, to stand up and voice a protest of such grotesque action ] who has been in existence far longer than this magazine and they are keeping mum over this. There has got to be a united voice from our organisations to protest unitedly and to put these people to realise that we are forgiving people but we are also firm in our ways of freedom to worship. It is no wonder you don't see real revival in Malaysia because of our disunity, pride and egoness. When churches are not even united in their own state; what more for the organisations in the country. It is no wonder that people in our country don't even know the difference between actual Christian living and religion! Ah Yes! What can we say about our disunity when all that is concern is " How big is your congregation?" or " What is the standing of your building fund?" Hmmmnnnn....it's hot, isn't it? There has got to be firm steps to counter such blatant disrespect! To me, this is an outright blatant disrespect. No excuse, no beatingaround the bush or cover-up! To be honest, I would define or likened this as an act of rape of our religious establishment. Yes, these are harsh words but I have learnt from the Bible that the truth shall set you free, is it not? Wake up, so-called religious leaders in all our establishment! Don't you have any shred of dignity at all? Or is it because it is different Christian denominations and that's why we do the about turn and do the " mind your own business " thing?
I am really deeply saddened by all this while Mr.Lim Kit Siang has more fiery words for our two nitwits spies, I would call them! Sigh! It is degrading enough to have so much restrictions and corruption in our country, now, we have to deal with religious rape! Yes, we believe in our Lord and we are to turn the other cheeks and get what is coming. However, my perspective is this : Turn the other cheek, catch that hands that was raised and look at the person in the eye and say "Enough of abusing our hospitality and silence!" We simply cannot be treated this way. All religion teaches good and evil. To me, these men knew what they were doing and they purposedly do it for the sake of disrupting a religious harmony where many had died before us defending it and for the sake of a fistful of ringgit in magazine revenue.
Tell me what happens if anyone of us posed as spies into other religion place of worship? There will probably be a major mayhem and a huge public outcry over this. To me, these people are the ones who should have faced the Sedition Act and be put to Kamunting for their spying & insulting roles! No offence to the Special Branch officers, Intelligence units and what not special forces & units - where were you people when you people were most wanted?

To my brothers and sisters in Christ , wherever you may be, pray for God's mercy & grace upon our country and our leaders.Pray that God would grant His wrath on those who pour scorn unto His name and His House. But first, we have to put our House [ Christian governing body/bodies ] right first, right?~Tsk!Tsk!Tsk!..... Oh! Yes! It may happen at the church on the other side of the street and it may not happen in our church surely! Now, that's a mighty sure comfort, isn't it? Yeah! We shouldn't be scaring ourselves-lah , we haven't been doing mission trips nor evangelism for such a long time already-mah! So we are safe-lor!
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