So, the Auditor General Report 2009 is out! So, abuses, irregularities & what not are being exposed! So, my next question is : What is the government doing about it? or What is the government going to do about it? So, like all usual "tidak apa" attitude and the usual government responce, our beloved PM says this..... [ drum roll..... ] " We are going to set up a high power task force to look into this matter ." How many years have we known the existence of the Auditor General Report and how many years all these irregularities had been brought up?
Read this responce from the PM, himself:
"I want to state that the reason ( for setting up of the task force) is not to launch a witch hunt but to identify those who intentionally and openly committed offences because we (the Cabinet) felt that they should not be allowed to go without having any action taken against them." [ You should know because every tender award for project has name of company and profile-lar! ]
"They will not neccessarily face legal action. They might face administrative action like surcharge, demotion, having their promotions frozen or be transfered, " Najib said. [ BTW, I want to remind the PM that this is blatant CBT and legal action should be taken against these people!!! ]
The task force would study in stages the irregularities reported and start with cases with clear signs of abuse of power or misappropriation. Asked if setting up of the task force was aimed at stopping corruption, he said, " Let's be realistic, there cannot be absolute zero corruption [ So, are you condoning corruption? What a confidence! ] but if we show seriousness ( in going after those involved), I believe we can bring the numbers down considerably, " he said. [Everybody knows there is corruption, Eradicate corruption-lar with clear conscience empowerment and enforcement! Bring in those big buayas not some small fry-lar ! ]
Ladies & gentleman, kindly take a good look at the red bold highlighted sentences and tell me that those sentences brings a lot of comfort and satisfaction to your intelligence. My God! I pray that God would have mercy and grace upon all of us for such a person who calls himself a leader. In the first place, it is the government departments that were mainly involved and the Malaysian public pays good hard-earned money as taxes to the country's kitty so that the funds can be governed correctly and without abuse! Here, you are telling us that it can't be governed correctly and without abuse?
Tell this to the students who got bread with margarine rather than bread with sardines or any other healthy food. [ BTW, in our place, a loaf of bread freshly baked from a nearby old fashioned bakery costs RM 2.30. I know because I used to buy bread from this bakery for my camps! Special price because I buy more than 5 loaves! ] If I am not mistaken the food programme is for RM 1.80 per child in Peninsular and RM 2.05 per child in Sabah & Sarawak. You do the maths,man. Yunno, I can't understand that if the contractor is not able to give what they are supposed to supply , why are the school heads, state education departments or even district officers are "unaware" of this or are they "aware" but keep both eyelids closed shut? To me, if you want to punish the contractors then drag down the entire corruption food chain of people involved in the first place. My point of contention is : Are you man enough to pull down such little Napoleons, Mr. PM? I am sore that such blatant corruption are allowed to net through and being carried out even at the expense of the children. Even in the prisons, they have the decency to whallop or whip the day lights out of child molesters and child rapist or any person involved in hurting children! What more, we are keeping quiet on those who ripped off food from the very hands of these innocent ones? I shudder at the mentality of people who shortchanged these little ones. Even the very fabric of religious foundation teaches us take care of the welfare of the children, the needy, the old and the widowed.
A friend once remarked to me that Malaysia is a rich country but pompous wastages is the main culprit for our "poverty". Yet, we are being virtually "robbed under our noses" day after day with occurrences like this. My God, when is our government ever going to wake up and see the abuses, plundering and the pilfering of our coffers? Some of the abuses highlighted are just too much for me. Once again, we are as guilty of championing the cause of corruption as any other person in this country. Why? Simply because we had voted in a government that is not serious about combatting corruption, malpractises and abuses. It is just words of which most of our politicians are top dog in being peddlers of words and a few small fish fry that got caught. I guess, it is okay to spend RM 84,640.00 on two computer laptops but not sending fresh milk or nutritious food to the young children in our schools. The list of abuses continues year after year. Where is the action taken or the inaction taken? For crying out loud, it is the public money you are talking about!
So, Please, Please call for General Elections. I am very sure where my vote will be and it would be very interesting to know where your vote will be too, right?~