Praise God! All 33 miners who were trapped for 69 days in a mine shaft in Chile's Atacama Desert had been successfully brought out of the shaft. Yunno, it is a real miracle that they survived that long after the collapsed of the mine 69 days ago. When Florencio Avalos first appeared from the specially drilled manhole size chute, it brought hope and cheers to the Chilean people and the world. I was elated as so many people from all walks of

life brought in their expertise to help these men in the collapsed mine. It was the greatest unified efforts from various countries that had led to this marvelous collaboration in saving lives. Even though it was informed that nearly 22million dollars were spent on rescuing these miners, it was worth every dollar of it. Families, children and relatives are re-united, lives will never ever be the same but the sovereignty of God will never be doubted on this occasion. From the 7 years old son of the first rescued miner who did not give up hope when all others doubted him to the very last person standing on Camp Hope, every one was touched in one way or another.
As Luis Alberto Urzua, the shift foreman who was the 33rd and the last person to be pulled out of the shaft arose from the 700 metres abyss, the

entire world erupted in thanksgiving for His Grace and mercy upon these precious 33 lives. I will never be able to imagine what these people have to go through but I know one thing is for sure, their unity, the steady leadership, the togetherness spirit , the believe to stay alive and the strength & faith in God had made it all happened. I believe with all my heart that the prayers of the Chilean people and the saints around the world, the candle light virgils , the constant prayer petition to the Lord had led to this marvelous rescue. Yes, the mourning has turned into dancing of laughters, love and joy!
Thank you, Lord for saving these men's lives!~
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