Looking through the electronic media news, main stream media and printed media today, the tragedy of 10/10/2010 involving a six vehicle pile up graphically and tragically adorned the front pages. This is not only a tragedy but one of the worst motor vehicular accident I have ever seen in my entire life. The pictures of death are so gory and saddening. My heart goes out to the victims of the accident tragedy. As usual, finger pointing, blame game and shifting of responsibilities in regards to the accident understudy are truly being played out by the relevant authorities. My God, when are the government agencies are going to own up their failures in checking such blatant "tutup satu mata" thing. It is a shame and mighty disgrace for the Transport Minister, the JPJ, the Police and all the enforcement units to keep mum over this matter when tragedy after tragedy involving express buses are on the rise. This is not a new matter anymore but like all good Malaysian sicknesses, these things are swept under carpet and left dormant for a while when the "heat" has

cooled down. In the mean time, some authority clowns will shout for "blood and murder" for all the mishap that had happened. Look, the citizens of this country need to be protected when using express buses when travelling, you nitwit, Don't you get it in your head that people's safety are the No.1 priority and not make "making money" as your priority! These days, it is the other way round and it's time for some shake up! Passengers pay good hard earned money for safe travel and not land in some black body bag-lar!
Look, the point is this. A bus would not flipped and overturned if it is not travelling at an excessive speed, ok? Look at our highways today and you will see that the buses are still travelling like they own the damn highway and cars would have to give way to them. If you don't believe me, take a drive on the highway in the evenings and see those merciless

F1 bus drivers "cruising " along the highways. This is also the stupid mentality of bus drivers who thinks nothing but getting to their destination at all cost to make more trip lest more money for the month. Look, for a bus to get to the other side of the road on the highway, you can do the maths and calculate the excessive speed it was on. I am appalled and angry that there are so many people lying in body bags last night and many more lives are scarred for life as they are being treated in the hospitals in Melaka. Some may find themselves in the smooth body bags today because of the reckless driving of a so-call bus driver. Nobody deserve to die in this manner and nobody deserve this if only the authorities do something about this. Like I said,

these people just won't care unless their parents, their siblings, their sons or their daughters or even their relatives are travelling in that tragic express bus. What "Ops Sikap" are you talking about if the drivers are not "educated" enough to understand that his priority is the safety of the passengers at the final destination? The only "Ops Sikap" I know that is happening is being pulled at the sides for some traffic offence and the nice sentence being blurt out, " Boleh jadi kawan-kah?" Come on, don't look so innocent as though it had never happened before!
Catch those express buses out of the "Ops Sikap" time zone if you are serous in stamping out these type of accidents. See how many summons you can get or are you afraid to issue summons because some big shot nitwit is behind those corporations and it is

'I scratch your back and you scratch my back" kinda thing? When I look at tragedy like this, it really saddens me because those accident are preventable in the first place if rules of engagement are tightened and only really efficient drivers are given the reigns to drive those buses - not some "chin chai boh chai" driver with 365 summons under his belt! Can you imagine in one of those bus tragedy early last year and the driver had been summoned countless number of times and still driving the damn bus? Get a competent driver, pay him WELL and see if the bus will turn turtle again! I would get very afraid if the next time I board an express bus and the driver is someone holding a red NRIC, smoking kretek cigarettes like the entire bus belongs to him or someone who had just failed a urine sample for drug test! Where is the damn logic and where are enforcements of rules & regulations? Or is it the papers with the Agong insignias rules again?

Come on, Mr.Ministers and so-called the aristocrats of the government, how many more have to die before you really take an effective action over this matter? Like it or not, those in the body bags are Malaysian from all walks of life and they may be a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, a grandparent to some Malaysians who would be balling their eyes with tears and crushed over losing their loved ones!
I can only pray that God would bring His peace and comfort to these people who had lost their dear & loved ones at this hour of grief. God, may You apply Your balm of love, comfort and console the broken & grief stricken hearts out there and may their lives be re-shaped in a greater reverence of Your love. Departed souls, rest in peace!
For the living, guard your life well and be aware that being alive each day is a miracle indeed! God bless each and everyone of you! I mourned for the departed and I will continue to pray for the recovery and healing of the injured ones. Would you care to join me? Amen!
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