The other day I was watching a Malaysian classic namely "Tiga Abdul" which had me in tatters of laughter, giggles and hearty fun. As a young boy, I've seen this timeless classic countless number of times and each time I see it, I enjoy the movie even more. Sure, the cinematography technology wasn't that sparkling in those days but the humour, slapstick comedy and even timely humanly lessons were significantly propelled. One timeless lesson value which had not changed was on the issue of corruption. This was potrayed very early in the movie when antique dealer, Sadiq Segaraga had failed to confirmed his attendance to the party thrown by Ismet Ulam Raja and had appeared at the party with his three daughters. So, he had to bribe the doorman to gain entry into the party. Known for his stinginess, the doorman stiff Sadiq with more than RM 5 which was a lot at those times. So, corruption and bribery starts early! Anyway, I kinda enjoy the songs too. Like I said, this movie is a timeless 1964 classic and the moral values potrayed were simple and straightforward. There were no difficult twist or turns in the story line - straight forward, lots of lessons to be learnt and some pretty nifty dance moves and creative songs too. Songs that we could sing along as the wordings are simple and easily recognisable.
I guess, I couldn't help laughing at the antics shown by Sadiq Segaraga over his voluminous greed, cunning and nifty ways plus the obsecenely greedy and gull gullibility of the two brothers, Abdul Wahab and Abdul Wahib .

I must say that I really enjoyed the roles potrayed by P.Ramlee as the wise Abdul Wahub and Sarimah. I guess, I must say that P.Ramlee is truly one of the rarest gem in the Malaysian film industry. I just love his comedy films and the messages he sents through his movies. Absolutely pleasing to the eyes, the ears and to the heart. Yes, my family and I grew up loving P.Ramlee films , at least, the comedies. People at that time were able to relate to the issue and the messages he was trying to potray. I remember Dad would get some "kopi kong" [ coffee in the milk tin prepared by the mamak fella near my Dad's workshop ] and some "yue char kueh" ready whenever we have a chance to watch P.Ramlee movies over TV1 on Friday nights. Yup, Dad exposed me to two good things in my life - P.Ramlee movies and Liverpool football club! Liverpool FC was THE football club those days. Ah.....nice memories indeed.
That day, JWee, SYuen and SLing were watching the movie with me on the Astro channel. When I noted that JWee & SYuen too laughed at the scenes and the various sections of the movie, I am glad that movies like this could still capture the attention and the imagination of my son's generation. I guess, P.Ramlee movies do touch hearts no matter whichever generation we may refer to. It's what we call a likeable movie and can appeal to any generation for that matter. The best part, you can watch this movie over and over again without having any difficulty in laughing or feeling sad or touched at certain parts of the movie. Anyway, there is one part that puzzles me all through the years - how did P.Ramlee played the electric guitar if it is not plugged into the amp or even electrical supply.... Hahahahahahhaaahahahahahhahhaaaaa..... that ingenuinity, I guess... who cares, right? The beat of the song was nice and we could even do the twist........Ahh..... That's what a timeless classic does to you!
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