For years now, I've pent up the anger inside of me in regards to the cowards/scums of society whom I shall call sexual predators. Let's face it ~ No one wants to wash their family dirty linens in public, right? So, what happens? These offence and dirty acts committed by these sexual scums get swept under the carpet while most of their victims ends up having an emotional and psychological scar in their lives. These goons have no regards to lives they defiled. Their objective is sexual lust, more lust and to defile young women that they can get their hands on by their trickery means!
Mind you, I am not talking about young male singles but I am talking of married men who would take advantage of PYT's [ pretty young thing ] or even young women. You see, I've seen people like this in action. I am not ashamed to say that you can see such scums in pubs, night hangouts, discos and even in the workplace. They wait for the opportunity to ply their lustful trade, show some love and concern, hooked the girl with some smooth talk and she ends up opening her legs for the wrong reasons! So, parents , don't be naive and dumb to say that you don't know where your children hangout or where they are at this hour or that hour. A little caring and a little checking up is good for our children's lives. Never mind if we get a backlash from our children; at least, they are safe from the hands of the sexual predators out there.
You may ask, " Who are these people?" Well, they are usually suave, smooth talkers, persuasive and have a bundle or wads of cash bills to flaunt in their pocket. Usually, with the suave talk, PYT's and young women get"hooked" on them and get taken advantage of. Usually, these sweet young things don't even know that these scumbags are married or have a family. After taking advantage of these young women in bed, they usually move on in their next conquest of other PYT's or keeping getting their lust fulfilled with the same women they have had. This is when the world falls apart for the victim. They try to seek "revenge" by getting the married man to own up to their "acts" but it is just too late or hang out to live in sin with these type of people as long as the money is good. Either way, the victim loses because they are just too shameful to own up to their mistakes or too afraid to get away from the sexual predator!
Come on! Wake up! There is no future hanging on to people like this, woman! All they want is your body and that's it. When the "sweet " is gone, it is onto the next victim! Sure, these married goons will sweet talk you everyday to part your legs and then, they would throw some cash bills to you all in the name of caring for you but they are NOT! They will just use you again and again and again! Can't you get that in your thick skull! I am really incensed over women who would not wake up from their ordeal. Usually, after a few tight slaps and talking sense would do! Don't you EVER tell me that I don't know what it is like because I have cousins who were "sex slave" to this type of sexual predators! So, don't tell me I don't know what it is like,ok? Also remember that usually in major cities like KL and Johor Baru, it is where this type of thing is in rampant state. Why? Simply because it's "hip" to be in the high flying society! My foot!
One more thing, stop blaming the China dolls, Uzbeks, Kazaks, Thais, Indonesian, Singaporeans, Africans girls etc.etc for this type of behaviour! The difference is they are paid for providing sexual favours while our daughters and young women are being made use of for sexual favours! That's the bloody difference for those of you who don't know what I am talking about!
For the parents, I have this to tell you, the world is most ever willing to teach your children and to destroy your children's lives! It is your responsibility to ensure that your children is grounded with your love, care, concern, discipline and openness. Teach your sons and daughters that their bodies are sacred. Teach your children about these sexual predators! Teach your children that you really love them and have time for them. Teach your children that money and materials are NOT everything in our lives! Teach your children that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom!
I pray that you make the right decision today. I pray that you would protect your children from these existing predators in a wicked wicked world we live in today. I pray that you know what company your children are with when they are out there. I pray that God would strengthened you as you bring up your young sons and daughters!
I pray that you love your sons and daughters no matter what they turned out to be! This is simply because there is simply no better love than the one from the family. For the sons and daughters, know that the family love you the most. No matter what you go through in your life, your parents will be there for you though they may be angry, hurt or even disappointed with what you have done. Know that they are waiting for you and they are willing to be with you no matter what you go through.
Know too that you have GOD that knows every heartbeat of yours!~ God bless you, parents. God bless you, sons and daughters!