As I was in the four wheel drive car, I could see the enormous bolders [ they are really huge ones! ] and also the steep hill road up. Sometimes the steepness can be in the region of 45 degrees and sometimes up to about 55 degress while at certain stretch it was really too much to bear - so steep. It can be terrifying at times but it is just work, though. I noted with interest that the huge bolders have drill holes in them and they hang on to the hill by small mounds of red earth. A quick check with the supervisor revealed that they are going to dynamite the bolders in the next few days. He further explains to me that it was like bringing down a big building! The only difference is that they have to stand very clear of the flying debris!

Anyway, the view at the top was great but it was dusty and hot up there! Quickly did what I need to do and the coming down from the hill was more terrifying than the going up part. At one corner, the four wheel drive drifted to the side of the road and it was like 2 feet before we plunged down the ravine. Anyway, the driver made a stop, got better leverage and got the car off the dangerous cliff area. Thank God, it wasn't raining.
So, that's just work and I'm grateful plus thankful that I have a job. That's how I make my living. Sure we may loathe it and get painful reminders about it but we still have to wake up tomorrow and do our jobs again. Yeah, there will always be ups and downs in our work. Never mind, if it is dangerous or sickening at times but hey! That's what feeds the family. It is just that some people at their top places sometimes just forgets that we are humans too ! 

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