For me, Soon Ling, Shwu Yuen and Joa Wee, we were just glad to be able to help them in whatever small way we could. Overall, the evening's plan went on smoothly and the invited guests just came, came and came. It was reall a great party for Ryan's 1st birthday bash! Though Ryan wasn't feeling that good but he looked sharp in his brown "suit" and Adidas shoes,man! That night, we ended our celebrations at about 1.10am after the necessary cleaning up, getting the chairs & tables stacked and closing up.
For me, I am just glad to be able to see Ryan. He has grown up so much since we last saw him. When you see Ryan, you can only love this child because he is simply a great child and he smiles a lot when he is not crying, of course! You wouldn't want to get near him when he cries..sorry..screams! But hey, he's just a child and a child is entitled to do that for the time being. [ Hmmmmnnnnn.....after being 2 years of age, he'll get spanking at his bottoms when he does that! ]
For us, being able to be with the family is imporatnt. That's what really matters, actually. Beautiful child, great parents and great family, what more could we ask for, right? I pray for God's continual blessing upon Ryan, Wei , Jade and mom!
BTW, it didn't rain that day though the weather forecast was heavy showers/ rain fall that evening. Once again, prayers avail and God is great!
Thank you Ivan, Soon Ling, Shwu Yuen and Joa Wee for all the help. Wei and I really appreciate all the help given by you all. I'm so sorry that we can't make it to have dinner on Sunday. Anyhow, do come back often, Ryan miss you all.. :)
Wei & Jade, no problem regarding the dinner as we felt you both have done a great job of organising the "King" birthday! Looking forward to have more weekends with Ryan and the family. Great job, you two! The celebration was a real succes! Take care.
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