I thank God that the weather was fine with a dash of drizzle here and there but overall, it was bright , sunny and fun day. The children were blessed with the beach activities and the message during the night rally in the night. Pastor Les shared the camp message of walking humbly with the Lord! I was blessed to see all the children came out from their seats to seek the Lord in one way or another. It wasn't the pushing or the persuasion from the commanders or leaders, it was their response to the call of God. That's what make this camp such a special camp.
Throughout the planing and the running of this camp, it was managed by our up and coming leaders in Bryan Lee and Stefanie Sim together with their crew like Joa Wee, Stephen Raj, Paul, John, Wee Yong and Ivy. I am so proud of them for doing a great job ~ planning & running the camp to a new level. I guess, I am so proud to see the condition of their hearts. I am so touched when they make the effort to bless the children with gifts and a small backpack which was sponsored by our great supporter of the ministry, Mr.David. What was amazing was their commitment and dedication in ensuring the children have enough food ,water and so on were values that deserve applauding. I am thrilled to bits knowing that our effort in grooming them to be future great leaders are on course.
I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this ministry and be part of the moulding team for these young leaders together with my current leaders - Steven Chia, Errol , Jason and Jessica. Thank you too to Soon Ling, Wan Sin and Dinesh for helping us out each time. Your love and care are exemplary to the rest of us. For those who had prayed and wished us well, I thank you too for your spiritual support. I know that your rewards await you in heaven. Thank you so much.
I am so blessed when this couple who joined us in the camp came up to me and said, " Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your camp. We are so blessed. Thank you so much." This man thanked each and everyone member of the organising team and that itself is enough to warm our hearts very much. Knowing that I have been a part of the team that inspires, encourages and support others are very dear to my heart. That brought a lot of cheer to my heart. I know that I can sleep better tonight in my plush bed knowing that God had made this camp a success by anointing His servants in the young leaders.
As for me, I felt my bones are creaking and tweaking each time I make turns or even joined the children in their activities. Yeah! Age is catching up but it is just a number! Still very much ~ young at heart-lar! Gotta console myself-mah !
Truly wonderful to see you young leaders in action serving our Master Ranger. His abundant blessing upon you.
Good job, good job.
I get the thrill of the camp by just reading your blog.
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