This morning I was on my way to work and stopping at the Bkt Beruang-Jusco-Bkt Baru T-junction traffic lights when I noted that some small stones/peblles were hitting the side of my car and the windscreen. You bet, I was agitated as I could hear the sounds of the stones/pebbles hitting the windscreen. Luckily, I had slowed down as I was reaching the traffic lights. I couldn't imagine what would have happened had the motorists especially those with cars were travelling at their normal speed and stones/pebbles hitting at their windscreen. I believe, this would have caused chipped damages to the windscreen or even causing unneccessary dent to the body craft of the cars. The scarier part is that the windscreen might just shatter and big bucks would have to be spent on replacement!
The part that really irked me was the fact that there was this young man on the left hand side of the street cutting the so-called grass on the road verge.

Yunno what? He was cutting a non-grass patch and to me, this is plain rubbish. His clothings are distintively of the local municipality council contractor and his face is bundled up for the fear of people might recognised him. [ Sigh! I guess why? Probably when the stones/pebbles actually break someone's windscreen, he won't be able to be identififed! ] Hey, I am not against people earning a living but please, do it with integrity and with full trustworthiness. After all, we are all tax payers and when money is spent on cutting grass on a no grass patch, that's plain rubbish and downright corrupt practise.
Everyone who travels along this road can see this very clearly and in plain sight. There is nothing malicious of what I am saying. Afterall, a picture paints a thousand words, right? Look at the picture and tell me that there are grass on the road verge. If I am not mistaken, my late Geography teacher, Science teacher and Art teacher used to tell us that grass is green in colour! Seriously, either our education system is seriously flawed or grass is now grown in brown colour! You tell me-lar........
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