Then came the part which I thought was the "doinkest" part of the segment. This big shot appeared together with the so-called agricultural department staffs and proudly informed that entrepreneurs could sell their Taiwan 388 produce to the agricultural department who would buy it from them at 60 sen for Grade A, 50 sen for Grade B and 30sen for Grade C!
Sigh! What is wrong with this people?!! The entrepreneur might as well sell the items himself by promoting it at the local supermarket or even sell it at pasar malam ,man! Well, it doesn't take a genius to understand that marketing your produce would not be difficult if you have an efficient marketing team in your company. My God ! How doink can some people get! This is the worst business proposition I've ever seen or heard and my goodness, you are talking about helping the farmers! No wonder the poor farmers are having a hard time at the field and at home thinking of their repayment plan and getting themselves out from the NPL statistics!! Some genius,huh?
Er, are you uncle Ivan?
Hi John,
Welcome to my blog,man!
Have a great time. simple blogspot,actually. You, the younger people are already pro at this!
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