Then came the best part of the evening, getting our costume ready and running the award ceremony event. I did all I could for my costume and my make up was done by none other than the critically acclaimed and accomplished maestro from Holeywood, Bolleywood, Awaniwood and TVBwood star, Steven!!! I guess, from the pictures, you can see what happened to his "masterpiece", right? Anyway, it was all done in the name of fun and I just wanted to do my part to spruce up the evening events. For those who would ask, " what is the bear doing on his shoulder? ", well, the answer is simple :- The pirate parrot died and so, the teddy bear replaces it! BTW, the parrot became last night's stew! Ha....Ha.....
The night actually belonged to the children who had worked hard for their advancement awards and their merit patches. From Ranger Kids to Expedition Rangers, the children received their awards from our Senior Pastor, Pst.James Krishnan and from our Youth Pastor, Pst.Les Lee.
The night actually belonged to the children who had worked hard for their advancement awards and their merit patches. From Ranger Kids to Expedition Rangers, the children received their awards from our Senior Pastor, Pst.James Krishnan and from our Youth Pastor, Pst.Les Lee.
As usual, there was our usual spread of refreshment at the award ceremony. The food consisted of fried beehoon [ nice! ], curry chicken [ superb! ] , "ang ku" kuih [ super duper! ], curry puff, kuih koci and eggs sandwiches . [ Soon Ling made the sandwiches!! ] It was time for food, fellowship, sharing of laughter, chit chat and photography sessions with the "pirates"! As our last guests bid farewell that night, we started our clearing up works and it was done in a record zip time!
As I got home that night, it was well into 11.35pm and I was beat, man! It was a whole day event which started from church service in the morning right up to 11.35pm. For once, I almost dozed off while I was bathing !!!! After my bath and prayers, I sat by the side of the bed and reflected on my 10 years of involvement in this wonderful ministry. I asked myself if it has been a worth while involvement - the pressure, the finance, the planning , the running around and all that was involved in running a well -oiled ministry............
To this, I say.................YEAH ! I'll do it again with my faithful companions in ministry - Steven, Errol , Jessica, Jason, Bee Ling, Bryan, Stefanie and the RR children! See you next year, matey!
hi Ivan, when shall we get together and climb some mountains?
Hi KG,
Thanks for dropping by at my blogsite. Will catch up with you on climbing some mountain thing!
Dave looks so real without his teeth. HA!HA!HA!
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