It was really good to have Iggy and Zam around this time together with their children Sharmitra, Shalini and Shaila! [ newly extended family ] How they have grown up while it was always nice to have Dinesh & Abby together with Dave & Caleb [ our loving & caring family buddies ] for such an occassion. To add up to the already wonderful night, we had Errol & Jessica together with their children , Josephine & Jocelyn [ I am very blessed by their lives, warmth & care. This one is a special family! ] together with Steven & Wan Sin [ great-great buddies and family! ] plus Vive & Sathy [ My warm-hearted extended family ! We're still sorting out our skin colour problem eventhough we are family!] It was like the good ol' times ....but BETTER, man! Everyone kept tucking and attacking the food and it was such a delight! Laughter was the order of the day and the aura of great fellowship was all around.
Dinesh & the gang brought capatis with the really good dhall, curries and mouth watering varaval lambs pieces, fruits, vegetables [ this one is a combination of long beans,carrots and peanuts - this is actually an old recipe dish which I have not tasted for such a long time and I love it very very very much! Reminds me of the good ol' days with mom & dad !] and many more while Steven & Wan Sin brought the stupendously nice tofu with plenty of prawns & assortment while Errol & Jessica brought the rotisserie chicken which I felt was a truly awesome taste with all the herbs and spices lingering in my salivating face! It was a heavenly food experience. BTW, Vive & Sathy [ Really glad to have them around ! Such a blessing to my life ! ] brought Vive's mom special varaval lamb pieces and it was a real experience of taste and the soft succulent lamb melting in your mouth thing, man! This is the ultimate high you can ever get in one night of feasting. I tell you this, I know that the guys got rounder every time they took a step to the table, that's for sure !
I could almost hear the measuring scales popping out of its' mechanics while the alarm bells on cholestrol level hits all time high,man! Who's listening, actually! Eat first-lar!
Such was the passion, the light heartedness and the bond we have as good friends. To me , it epitomes the very fabric of what friendship is all about - good food, good environment and great fellowship. What a life, indeed! I have never been happier! There is nothing more I could have asked for a great night! Thank you everyone for a great time! I treasure this a lot!
As for the extra chicken varaval my wife made,'s the best in the whole world. I don't care what you people say but the bottom line is that my wife's chicken varaval is the bestest! 

Uncle Ivan, my name is spelt SHALINI.....He!He!
Next time want to take picture my tell first,.....then can pose nicely...We were still picking the food from our teeth when we left....too much good food and great time. Thanks for welcoming us to your home. We enjoyed ourselves. Praise GOd for the people He put in our lives.
Yes, my dear, I will correct it immediately. You will see it in the article. So sorry for the spelling error! BTW, I love the way you attack food - just like me! You are a real blessing-lar!
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