Let me give you a little that I know about Stefanie Sim. She is really a very special young lady. I have never seen anybody as meticulous, as keen and as dedicated as her when it comes to serving in ministry. Ever since she started in Royal Rangers ministry, she is always very determined to achieve the very best she could and rightly so too. She was already in the ministry when I first started out serving in the ministry. At that time, somehow in her young age, she seemed to have a great dislike for me but I never took it to my heart. I know that when I was first invited [ or rather "conned"??? I wonder! ] to serve in this ministry, I readily accepted because I wanted to be in a team of people who would mould and shape the lives of children. So, I started out as a PR man for the ministry, then to a commander/teacher of the ministry. Over the years, I see this rugged, determined and very tough young girl grew up into a beautiful, dedicated, respected and trustworthy Junior Commander. She not only commands the respect of her peers but she is such a delight to work with. I guess, she really worked very hard for her achievements and I saw a big good change in her over the years. 
I had no doubts in my mind that she would be a great leader some day and it has been proven time and time again. You see, people say that some are natural born leaders while others say they are nurtured. To me, Stefanie Sim is a step above. She is not only a natural born leader but a leader who learns from her elders. This is the great difference. She is ever willing to learn and to get things into perspective by asking and trying out leadership position. That's what makes her so special. Sure, she is direct-talking , honest and tells off her mind but she is also with good manners, obedient, easy to work with plus she has learnt to have a servant heart.
To me, there was no greater joy than to see her, Bryan [ another great leader ] and Stephen together with my son, Joa Wee, Daniel and John planning for the year end camp. It was at the Tesco superstore that I saw Stefanie and the team come of age. She actually made provision for souvenirs and other goodies to bless the children. At that moment, I knew that Stefanie and the team are well into the servanthood mode of this ministry. That night, I thanked the Lord for the years of sacrifice and constant teaching/sharing with these children and also, for raising up leaders like Stefanie, Bryan, Stephen, Daniel, Joa Wee, John, Ivy and many others to step up the plate of leaderships and finally understanding the roles they play in leadership. You see, this ministry is not about us, the leaders or the program. It is about moulding & shaping young boys and girl into serving our Master Ranger, the One Above! They have learnt well and they have started to start their own blessing to the children that day. That, to me, is the whole success of this ministry - blessing others with your lives!
Stefanie grasped and understood that noble and humble idea. That is what that makes her special. It wasn't just her good works , her personality or her leadership standing, it was the transformation of her heart that matters to me and she has done very well on this. That makes me a very happy person. At least, one day before I closed my eyes and be with the Lord, I can take heart that the Royal Rangers # 1 Melaka ministry is in good hands.
So, here's to you, Stefanie! Congratulations & be a blessing always and all ways!~ BTW, you make an "young" man like me a pretty happy guy today! [ Oh Yes! Have I not told you that age is only a number ? ha................ha........................]
P/s As for the tongue sticking out act, well,......it's her way of "freaking" out after smiling so much during the award ceremony!
Wa. A bit too much man. Lebih lebih. I write short post you write long long. I know la your english super power. Now I have to step up already. Haha. Anyway. Thanks.
Don't lah shy-shy! What is true, we print-lar. Good is good, ok? Now, concentrate in your SPM and make your parents and me even prouder ,ok! We would be praying for you always! Afterall, we need you to belanja us when you do well!
All the best in your SPM!~
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