For days now I've watched and read with interest about the 3 so-called independents in politics. I, for one, can't stand such fickle, self-centred and immoral politicians! For their information, the people put in their big fat 'X" on the ballot paper last March elections was because of the party they represent and not because of the candidate! Oh! How disappointed they must have felt for putting these people into office! Now, I know why politics has been regarded as one of the dirtiest game ever introduced by humans! The fact that one so-call independent TV station was so biased in its reporting that taking a dig at the MB of Perak was like taking popshot via the paintball gun. Hey! We are all people of flesh and blood. Why are they stooping to such an all time low and make bias remarks about the MB of Perak? I must say that my wife and I were appalled and disgusted by the bias reporting & harshness of reporting on the fate of this man. [ No wonder American Idol Season 8 is far more interesting and entertaining! ] By all means support the present government set-up for all I care but at least, be fair-lar to the rest of the opposition party in our nation. Every political party would have to have their voice heard too, yunno. One sided political reporting is not helping anyone, actually. No wonder, a good friend of mine used to remark that real & accurate journalism is dead. [He has stopped watching news from our National TV stations and got into with global network stations now.] Now, it's what sells in the tube and the tabloid that matters - not integrity and correct information anymore. The more mud is flung , the dirtier the news, the better it is. Hey, stop taking cheap popshots at the MB of Perak. What wrong has he done towards you? I guess, the only thing the TV station can find fault with him is actually PKR team winning the state of Perak in the last election !!~ Shameful-lar!
For the three friendly independent politicians, I guess, your integrity and moral standing means nothing to you people. I wish all of you good luck and all the best in your future endeavours with the monsters/goblins who actually created you in the first place. Thanks for selling your souls to the other side for a fistful of wealth, saving your skin and some carrots of fame! You bet, I am a PKR sympathizer!~ No qualms about that!~ Malaysia Boleh-mah!~
oh ya i totally agree american idol! woo...yea they're independents "supportin" BN only wht...wht gvs BN the rite to call them their "own"
Agreed,man. Thanks for support for AI. I am really against such people who "jump" ship for convenience.It is just downright immoral!~
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