Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thank You, Celcom!

The other day I received a letter from Celcom Malaysia Berhad and I was a little "gempak". For a while, I raked my brains in and out thinking which bill I've not settled and so on. Afterall, I have not opened the letter yet as I have been pretty mashed over work these days. Finally, when I had some breathing space, I opened up the letter in great anticipation and suspense!
The heading of the letter was "Appreciation Reward". There it was four (4) RM 5.00 Petronas vouchers amounting to RM 20.00 for me to spend! Yippeeee! I was kinda happy because at least, my telco service provider, Celcom Malaysia did something good for their subscribers. BTW, I've been faithfully using Celcom services ever since I started work.
So, I wanna say " Thank You" , Celcom! It does not look much but it's the thought that counts, right? At this present time, I do appreciate it a lot !~ Thanks, Celcom!

1 comment:

ViveAlive said...

My Maxis got nothing for me except Maxis Rewards which is items on discounted price......Maybe time for me to call Harith Iskander and ask him for a Celcom package.