Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today, I want to write about being a Christian. Many times, Christians and Christianity are greatly misconstrued by many people. We always feel that we have to defend Christianity. Well, I’ve got news for you – God doesn’t need us to defend Him! God is God. Swallow that fact and start living right as a Christian. That means treating Christians and non-Christians the right way – with love and respect! I have met a range of people who says they are Christians – some are really nice while at the same time, some are toying at the fringe of being good friends with Mr.S.A.Tan. Yes! Do admit it. Some are Christians only on Sundays and two horned clowns from Mondays to Saturdays! This is a real fact! Each one of us is free to act, live and do as how and what we are as Christians. God gives us that liberty to choose and thereby, we reap what we sow. BTW, saying “Yes” doesn’t make you a good Christian and neither does saying “No” makes you a bad Christian either. There has got to be a balance and common sense must prevail. Honestly, I find Christianity being misunderstood in so many ways. The greatest misconstrued perception of all is that Christianity is a religion. Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a personal relationship with God - like the bond of a father with his children. Religion is like a carpenter who is being paid by his boss to do a job or complete a job at all cost with all his technical “know how” and “what not” but he has a platonic relationship with his boss. The second misconstrued notion is that we are “converting” people into accepting Christianity at all cost. Look, sometimes over-zealous Christians with over zealous ways could have brought this fear among the people. The fact is this: A good Christian need to share the Good News while it is the Holy Spirit of God who would convict the heart and get the other ready to accept a new lease of life. There is no inquisition, no force used nor scary tactics! God is a merciful and a good God. When the heart is convicted of the truth, one will readily accept our Lord & Saviour. It is the people who adulterates it that makes Christianity a religion instead of a personal relationship with God, the Father.
I know I may raised or ruffled more than feathers when I finish this but I just want to say my honest piece though it may hurt. Hey, the truth shall set us free, right? Some of us take many things for granted [including me] that people would understand that we are Christians and we don’t do this and that and so on. My question is : Are we good Christians in the first place? Have we shown the attributes of our Lord? This is a stinging question, isn’t it? Be it for our shepherd, our leaders, our loved ones and people out there. Yes, I acknowledged that some of us failed while some have tried their level best to apply God’s attributes in their lives. So, nobody is perfect, right? Well, the road to repentance and forgiveness is always opened. So, make it a point to use it! BTW, I am not saying that we must meditate to the Lord 24/7 or have “holier than art” attitude. Just be good practical Christians [sometimes, we forget that we live on earth and please, plant your feet on the ground! It is the good ol’dirt – the one we must go into when we die! ] – having the ability to differentiate what is good and bad / right and wrong/ good and evil. By all means, love the Lord with all your whole heart but feed the family too. Some of us are just too loop-sided and at the end of the day, we neglect our family. BTW, do you know that God honors the family more than anything else? A family that worships God is a happy family. I will be the first to admit that I too am doing my level best in this area. I don’t claim to have all the answers because I am still learning the Lord’s way and the journey thus far has been very trying, tedious and not without tears and spending a lot of time on the knees but very satisfying indeed. Yes, I am far from a perfect individual but God is the head of my life and my family.
Yunno, we cannot win over people to understand this relationship we have with God unless we show them what it really meant to have a relationship with God. It means you would have to be who God wants you to be and not be a fake. Yes, that includes your frailty, your weaknesses and your strength. The people out there are not dumb. They can spot a fake miles away even before the fake arrives. What make us different from others are our consistent lifestyle of living free from sin and our genuine hearts. Genuine love conquers all and I believe in this very much. So, start living right and start practical living. Don’t ride on cloud nine for clouds such as these will not cushion you when you fall ! Only the soothing hands of God will! ~
I offer a heart full of apologies if I have in any way offended anyone of you for what I have written. This is just my personal opinion. After all, I am still learning to be a good Christian! It's a long and hard road but a road worth travelling on...... believe me!~

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