Late last night, I was unable to sleep and I thought it would be good to catch up on some TV shows. To my greatest delight and surprise , I watched "Jamie's Ministry of Food" program. I must say, kudos/three cheers to Mr. Jamie Oliver for trying to make a difference in his society. Yeah! It is not that he doesn't have his critics and they can be quite blunt too. Many viewed him as a rich pompous young lad trying to show off his wealth while others simply told him that he doesn't know the difference between the "have-nots" and "have plenty" in England. Some critics say that he's a millionaire especially with his food endorsement deals and book deals and that he was just trying to show off and so on. As I see it, here is a young man willing to try out ways to get the community to change their mind set about eating fast food and start eating healthy balanced meal. Honestly, I find no fault in this man's noble gesture. I actually find his ideas quixotic and quite inspiring. It started out with sharing two recipes to two people and these two people are supposed to share the two recipes to two other people and it goes on. All in all, Jamie would try to impart at least 10 recipes and hoped that the entire community would be familiar with the 10 recipes soonest. By this time, they would be eating right and having healthy meals. The first two recipes were actually pancake and meatball spaghetti! Gosh! Simple...yet difficult for these people because they have not cook anything at all. All this time, the cooking lessons were held in the homes, office block and Salvation Army Church and Community Centre. That is what I call progress and guts, man!

Yunno, change is difficult and I could see very clearly that the early eight people who had agreed to join in his program really struggle for that change. Mind you, these are people in Rotherham, England who had no knowledge on how to cook a meal at all plus the working class people. These are a bunch of community who dwelt & fed on fast food and takeout meals! I tell you, Jamie Oliver is genuine and noble in his quest. So what if he rakes in millions of pounds for his effort and so what if he sells his books as well. The part I like about his program is that he takes a genuine interest in shaping new healthy living lifestyle and making a significant difference in lives. Look at the so-called no hoper and dropouts who now work as chefs in his restaurants or even the healthier food served in British schools today. Yunno, it takes pure guts, tenacity, patience and brawns to make a difference in anybody's life for that matter. We could all learn something good from this bloke called Jamie Oliver, actually! Heck, he even got his greatest critic, Julie Critchlow to join in his program!
I really looked forward to see the next episode of this program. Well, if you must know, I like Jamie's consistent endurance, his heart and his sheer will to get things done. We all could learn a thing or two from this guy!~ [ minus his "flowery" language, of course! ]
Hear! Hear! I agree! Actually, I've not watched the show (don't have Astro) but I did watch a few episodes of the Naked Chef and really liked it. Saw a cookbook of his in MPH but it was too mahal. Yeah, this guy has guts.
Btw, thanks for your encouraging reminder that what matters most is what's in the heart, not what's outside. Appreciate your timely reminder. God bless!
Hi Liz,
Thanks for dropping by! You're most welcome! Afterall, we are to encourage one another in good and in difficult times too!
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