It was indeed a great honour and privilege to meet with Bicycle Man, Pastor Chia who was in Good Samaritan Home, Klang recently. BTW, The Good Samaritan Home, Klang is managed by Pastor Albert Ong and staff. Another man of God with a heart of compassion for the abandoned, abused and uncared children. Thank God for people like Pst. Albert. I guess, God positioned special people in special places for them to be a blessing to the society rather than just breeding more complacent Man of Gods in our already overstuffed and puffed up egoistic society!
Anyway, never in my wildest dream that I would one day meet this man of God, Pastor Chia who had made numerous headlines over the years with his travelling passion of sharing the Good Word of the Lord.

Over the years, Pastor Chia had raised funds for his orphanage home in Chiangrai, Thailand and also, brings the passion of the Word to the people. He does it in a non- threatening manner but through his travels stories and eventually speaking on the Word of the Lord with pure conviction. I guess, we could all learn a thing or two from this man when it comes to sharing the Word.
Together with Vive, Sathy, BA , Jessy and my family, we talked to this man of God in regards to his experiences and his travel logs. As he shared his experiences, you know for sure that this is truly a passionate and caring man. Eccentric and insane in our twisted minds but he does what most of us would not do in our life time – literally seeing the people inthe streets and our nations , praying for our nation, sampling simple food, catching his own food at times, sleeping at places you could never imagine and thanking the Lord for every kilometer completed.

Truly a Penangite! Yeah, that’s the special thing about this island people They are really positive, dedicated and fun people – just like my good buddies, Vive, Sathy, BA and Jessy.
Like I said earlier, Pastor Chia runs an orphanage home for the abandoned,neglected, abused and even raped children in Chiangrai, Thailand. There are currently 58 children in the Home while 3 staff manned the Home. He further informed us that prostitution and sex trade are rampant in Chiangrai and the children had been exposed to such trade very early in their lives. Thank God for the works of Pastor Chia and his fellow workers, at least some of the children are saved from this kind of trade. However, he stressed that some children won’t come into the Home because they get better food and treatment while in the sex trade. Seriously, it is sad knowing this fact.

It is also makes such crusade against them seemed helpless but God is a good God , right? Well, I don’t know. I guess, they must so poor that the only resort of getting out of poverty is through sex trade and while that’s wrong and sad but it is a sad and hardened fact. Have you ever notice that where corruption is abound, sex trade equally abound? Sad but true fact. Stomach that! It's a fact! More clean-ups are welcomed!
Anyway, where there are plans to visit Pastor Chia’s orphanage home in Chiangrai, I would be most happy to participate in it. In fact, Vive and BA would be looking into the plan to go to Chiangrai and I‘ve asked not to be excluded from it. We then had some photographs with the simple bicycle. I would call it a rickshaw, actually. Honestly, I could really see Pastor Chia struggling to cycle up the hilly areas but I was informed that he thanked God for every kilometre that he had surpassed as sweat dripped down his back.

As he narrated stories and adventures along his travels, laughters and admiration for his determination permeates the space. I know that it isn't easy doing what he does but such sheer dedication and determination are what marvels me. BTW, Pastor Chia informed us that he took only the old roads to towns because it would be too much of an attraction on the highways. Furthermore, the views and scenery at the old roads seemed kosher food for the soul! Couldn't agree more with that.
After meeting Pastor Albert, Pastor Raymond, Pastor Chia, their spouses, guests and the home children , we decided to bid our farewell and headed out for dinner. Before leaving, we noted that there was a little boy in the arms of Pastor Albert's wife. My heart goes out to this child as we were told that his parents just abandoned the child when the child was born. How could any parent abandoned their child?

This really defies humanly logic, man. That to me is an awfully inhumane and a barbaric act. I am so angry whenever I hear of such cases because no child, I repeat, no child, deserves such abandonment. For crying out loud, give the child up for adoption or even go for help. There are people out there who are willing to help. What good does it do to us to achieve so much development when abandoning a child in the street , dumpsite or even a shelter home is already a norm in our society today? Where is our heart today? Where do we draw the line in an unmeaningful relationship, extra marital affairs, one night stand or even sexual relationships - living in sin and bearing the sin of having unwanted pregnancy and eventually dumping them away or worst still, abusing them? That's the modern disease & plaque that is robbing our society today. The faster we realise this, the better it is. This is no laughing matter while statistics don't lie. We can hide and pretend under the cloak of our religions and overly self-righteousness on this matter while we think it won't happen to us or our families but the fact is that these are real happenings, folk! Statistics in children's homes today don't lie. Don't just take my word for it- check it out yourself. Be it a Malay, Chinese, Indian , Punjabi, Caucasian or whatever colour you want to be, these are hard facts to digest!~
Stay faithful. Live right!~