As I was sitting in my living room just now, I remembered the recent conversation between two of my colleagues in regards to termites infestations. One of my colleagues remarked that she didn't realise the devastation that was caused by the termites as she hardly noticed anything wrong with her wooden cabinet until she saw a brownish trail on the wall. The other colleague then told her that the outer skin of the wooden furniture would look nice from the outside but the inside is another matter. Termites create such artistry dunes and sculpture in the wood which would make the outside looking like a failed project.
Just as little termites eat out the core of a wooden post, weakening it and causing it to collapse, so too little sins in our lives have the same effect if they are not dealt with. Outwardly, we may appear to other people to be good strong Christian. But what are we really like on the inside! What is our true condition?

When God calls His people to turn from their wicked ways, we think, " What! This cannot apply to me ! There is nothing wicked in me!" We may think these words are too strong But we fail to see that every small departure from God's way of holiness is sin! And sin, no matter how small and unimportant it may seem to be, is "wicked" because like tiny termites, it's spoils God's highest and best purpose for us. Little sins can eat out our spiritual strength and vitality without us realising it. These sins must be identified so that we can repent on them and find forgiveness, release and revival.
Are you prepared to pay the price for this? That's where real revival comes starting with you!
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